Chapter 10 - Beth's POV

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Chapter 10 – Beth's POV

Drunk-Cole was not the most cooperative Cole. Of course, he wasn't some kind of obnoxious drunk, he was more like an overly enthusiastic but confused puppy, you kept needing to reel in back to the task at hand.

The task at hand right now, was going back to my apartment before the sun rose.

"Come on, Cole," I told him laughing, his hand in my own, tugging him back on the sidewalk.

Cole lifted our hands, and spun on himself like I was the lead in a ballroom dance.

He had a goofy grin, and even though I needed to go to sleep soon, I couldn't help smiling back at him.

Growing up, Cole always had to be the one kind of in charge. His parents were irresponsible, and he was the oldest in our friend group with Jayden and Maika. He didn't always need to be serious, but I think he often felt like he had to be in charge.

So, I always loved it when I saw him being happy and carefree, even if it was under the influence of alcohol.

"You're so pretty, did you know that?" Cole said to me, still with that silly smile, and wrapped his arms around me in a back hug.

He kept taking big steps around me, leaning part of his weight on my back. 

"Thank you, you're pretty too," I told him.

"But you're prettier," he mumbled against my shoulder.

I chuckled. "Only because you're drunk right now."

"I'm not drunk."

"You are."

"Booooooo," he whined and buried his head in the crook of my neck.

"You can stop walking now, we have to wait for the bus here," I told him, stroking one of his arms wrapped around me.

"A bus? We're taking a bus?" he said, like I had just told him we were going home on a rocket.


"A BUS?"

I chuckled again. "Yes Cole, we're taking the bus."

"How bold of us," Cole said, letting go of me.

I missed the warmth. "You think taking the bus is bold?"

Cole frowned like he was thinking about it, while we waited by the bus stop. "Will there be other people on this bus?"

"A driver, for sure. Potentially other people," I replied.

He tapped his chin, "Interesting, interesting..."

I laughed out loud. "God, you're such a weirdo."

"Thank you," he said and before I could react, smacked a peck on my lips.

I smiled at him, tongue poking at my bottom lip.

Cole grinned.

The bus was turning the corner, about to stop for us.

I took Cole's hand, intertwining our fingers, and stepped inside once it did, tugging him with me.

I sat him down first and then sat beside him. He leaned his head against my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my arm, holding it tightly.

I brushed a hand through his hair, and leaned my head against his.

I thought he was going to fall asleep, but when I told him softly that we had arrived at our bus stopped, Cole just whined about being comfortable and not wanting to change position.

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