Chapter 14 - Beth's POV

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Chapter 14 – Beth's POV

I had set the flower ring that Cole had made me carefully on my working desk, as I typed away on my computer.

I wanted to finish one report tonight before going to bed so I'd be ready for that class.

I kept glancing at my wrist, with my bracelet back where it belonged.

It was silly how such a simple thing made me feel so happy. I hadn't realized how naked my wrist had felt without it. I always wore that bracelet.

I was glad Cole had been able to fix it.

Speaking of Cole, he was dozing off on my bed.

I'd check on him now and then, and he'd say he was up, and he was fine, but I could see how his eyelids were getting heavy.

Cole was a saint for not complaining at all about the fact that I was giving him very little attention during his impromptu trip.

Around two in the morning, I was done writing, and Cole was fast asleep. He'd fallen asleep over the cover of my bed, fighting against slumber all evening long.

He'd clearly lost that fight.

I turned all the lights and grabbed a blanket from a chair, so he wouldn't get cold. I didn't want to wake him up to get him under the covers.

Cole enjoyed his sleep.

I crawled in bed beside him, looking at him sleep.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't wished he'd be up right now and I could kiss him. Our sleep patterns were very different. That might become slightly problematic in the future.

I stroked Cole's hair and he cuddled closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulder holding him closer and tried to fall asleep without waking him up.

The next morning, unsurprisingly, I was the first up.

I actually chuckled over that realization and it unfortunately woke Cole up.

"Whaa...?" he started to mumble, his hair sticking up in random spots, looking the definition of confused.

I kept laughing, not answering.

"What iiiiis iiiit?" he mumbled, nuzzling against my neck.

I patted his back, keeping him close.

"I've never seen someone sleep as much as you."

"I'm a house cat."

"You really are."

Cole made breakfast after we both grudgingly got out of bed, and then I went back to my school work.

Cole took out some stuff from his law first to work on, and we were both sitting in the living room at the coffee table, our computers side by side.

I'd lean my head against his shoulder now and then, feeling grateful that our relationship felt this effortless.

Later on, Cole went to the grocery and got us food for dinner. He set up everything so we could eat cheese fondue. He really had a craving for it apparently. I didn't argue, I just found it adorable.

I had a weak spot for Cole making me food. It was nice to have someone taking care of me.

I'd been living on my own with Nikki for a couple of years now, and I had realized that one of the things that was very bothersome about being an adult and having to take care of yourself was preparing food every day. Over and over again. It never ended. I had taken it for granted when I was living at home.

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