Chapter 13 - Cole's POV

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Chapter 13 – Cole's POV

I was listening to Beth's voice but I wasn't listening to the words she was saying. I probably couldn't repeat the last sentence she had read.

I just liked hearing her voice. It was comforting sound. I like her soft cadence as she read monotonous words. It was especially nice when she'd run her hand through my hair nonchalantly now and then.

I could have easily dozed off at any point, but I'd wasted enough time sleeping on this trip.

Seriously, I often wished I was like the Eatons and could function on little to no sleep. I kinda envied that skill of theirs. I'd stop missing a lot of things, especially considering that their whole family were basically nocturnal creature and my girlfriend and best friend were Eatons.

I could feel the soft wind on my skin, and hear a bird chirping not too far. People walking around, cars driving by not too far. Sounds of a busy city filled with busy people.

I enjoyed this pause in time, lying on the grass, sun warming me. I was always so busy all the time. It was a nice change of pace to do things like this.

Every time I visited Beth it always felt like I was transported into another universe.

Maybe it was because I was on a different continent, and everything felt a little more foreign. It was like my job and my worries disappeared. Maybe it was because Beth grounded me in a different way. I was less restless around her. I didn't worry about tomorrow when she was around.

Beth stopped reading. She was running a fingertip on my brow while stroking my hair with the other.

I opened my eyes to smile at her.

She made a little surprise face. It was adorable. "I was really sure you'd fallen asleep this time," she told me softly.

I took her hand and kissed her palm. "And miss your enticing lecture? Never."

"Next time I'll bring a fun book to read to you for our little picnic," Beth replied, her other hand still in my hair.

I liked the idea of this being something we'd do again. Often.

"No tragic love story, just happy stories from now on."

"So, no more Jane Eyre?" she asked teasingly.

"No more Jane Eyre," I agreed.

"Should we pack up? I need to get on my computer soon, if I want to finish everything I need to prepare for my classes on Monday," Beth reluctantly admitted.

I sat up, ready to follow her schedule.

We gathered our things and then I got up, offering her my hand.

"Wait, wait, no you can't hold that hand! Don't squish my ring."

I laughed at her outburst. "I can make you another."

Beth shook her head adamantly, cradling the hand wearing the ring with her other, like it was a precious thing she needed to protect. "No, no, I'm keeping that one, you're not squishing my ring," she repeated and then said, "here, you can hold that hand," she said handing me her other hand.

I laughed at her antics, but complied with her demands easily.

I would never stop being in awe of this woman.

I pulled her on her feet, and we walked back to her apartment, hand in hand.

When we got back, I noticed Beth's bracelet again.

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