Chapter 12 - Beth's POV

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Chapter 12 – Beth's POV

My class was sort of a drag.

I hated classes on a Friday. When I picked my courses during my other semesters, I always managed to not get any on the last day of the week. Unfortunately, this time around, this was a mandatory course to take, and this was the only time I could pick that fitted in my schedule.

            I was even less enthusiastic than usual, because I had a hungover boy I would have preferred to take care of.

            At least he'd been joking around when I left for school, so he wasn't in that bad of a shape.

            Our evening might have ended up differently though, if he hadn't been drunk...

            Cole had apologized about kissing me last night. It had nothing to do with regretting it, and more to do with it being the wrong time.

            I didn't think anything serious physically should be happening when either of us were drunk.

I had to stop myself from thinking about the kiss and what could have come after it had we both been sober, in the middle of my class.

            When the class was over, I didn't stick around too long to chat with my friends. I'd see plenty of them later anyway. They wouldn't hold it against me.

On my way home, I stopped at a little café where they had nice sandwiches and salads and bought a couple of things for our picnics. I was too lazy to make anything, and I didn't want to spent one hour inside making food, while we could just go enjoy ourselves outside.

It was a nice sunny day. It was a little chilly, but with a jacket we'd be okay.

I was always so busy and cooped up inside all the time, dancing or playing the violin, studying or practicing, that it was nice to take the time to go bask in the sun.

The second I walked in my apartment, I announced, "Honey I'm home!"

"Please Sugar, no harsh sounds," Cole whined from the living room.

I headed there. He was lying on the couch, arms wrapped around a cushion and hiding under the blanket I left there to wrap around myself whenever I watched television. He looked adorable. "Did you just say my voice is a harsh sound?"

"Have compassion for your hungover boyfriend," he said, sitting up.

It did things to my heart, when he called himself my boyfriend. It was still a foreign concept to me. It didn't feel real.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him, walking up to him.

Cole smiled. "Better," he assured me.

He did look better. He had color in his face again, and didn't look like he was going to puke any second.

"Are you still up for that picnic?" I asked.

"As long as you keep speaking softly to me," Cole replied, and chuckled.

I smiled back at him. "Alright, let me get changed and grab a couple of things and we can go."

I wished I had a cute little basket the way people did in movies, but unfortunately, our little outing wasn't going to be movie perfect, and I just shoved our food and a blanket in a tote bag. I brought some of my homework too, just in case.

Cole took the bag from my hands, and we set out for our picnic.

We walked hand in hand to the little park a few streets away from my place. It wasn't a big park, it didn't have anything special. It was just a nice spot where there were trees and grass and little trails and benches.

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