Chapter 3

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"How can he be my husband, why will they even get me married, who told them i want to ever get married" those were the questions running through her head as both families of mine came in,

She couldn't speak up even when they asked her how she was feeling, the fear of breaking down wouldn't let her speak,

Instead she wore her usual poker face, watch and nod at them, a huge part of her was hoping they will say the marriage thing was a joke, but the realistic part of her knew this was no joke and to confirm the no joking part,

Abbu launched into marriage sermons right after he called Mahmood and ordered him to sit down near her on the bed,

As Abbu was speaking she noticed her so called new husband clenching and unclenching his left hand and then it downed on her 'he hates her already'

But it wasn't her fault that their parents decided to play matchmaking out of the blue and now what do expect out of this marriage, bliss, joy or what,

They both each lost their partners just last year and now they were joined in marriage, for what reason,

It was a nudge from Aisha that made her look up, to see all eyes on her

"Promise me, am waiting, promise you two will give love a chance again" Amma said,

"Owkey" Mahmood calmly replied

"Amee" Mama called

"Okey" she breathed,

And with that after informing her of her present location, they chose to leave just like that and that was when the tears finally begun to fall,

But they all mistook it for some farewell tears as they started teasing her about not being faraway from home, that she can come visit anytime and all that,

For crying out loud, she was crying because she just was gotten married to a stranger, a stranger who already hates me, besides she herself has no love to give, she is just an empty vessel.

They left with Mahmood seeing them off, some minutes later she heard the sound of cars driving out of the premises, she did the only thing she could think of, lay down back and start the water works.


After seeing them off, i resisted the urge to go check on her and instead called Camila my PA to direct my pilots and schedule my meetings because i was leaving the next morning being Thursday.

The next morning after my morning prayers, i decided to sleep for two more hours, woke up, showered dress up and went down for breakfast, after all the new cook arrived yesterday morning and so far i can tell he cooks well,

Already i was ignoring tons of congratulatory messages from people, Abbu just had to let out the sudden marriage thing, i didn't even see the need to reply my two best buddies, i don't want their curiosity for now.

On my way downstairs i pushed the thought of a soft different perfume i caught in the air in my room when i came out from shower and ablution

I passed by her room and resisted the urge to check on her, 'not fair not fair not fair' a voice was chanting in my head, but hey life isn't fair.

I went down and before heading to the dining room i sighted a huge lump figure on the Cream three seater sofa in the first sitting room,

Out of curiousity i went ahead to check and to my shock i saw it was, my new bride, a multi color A line gown that was long sleeved, and her long lush wavy hair in a messy bun i found so cute,

She was laid back on the sofa starring into space

The moment i decided to go unnoticed, that was the moment my stars decided they are not with me because she looked up and the moment our eyes met she hurriedly sat up,

"Good morning" i heard her murmur, what is with she and talking so quietly,

"I want to have breakfast and leave for Ethiopia" i said instead of answering her greeting,

She just nodded with her poker face and quickly stood up, before i could do anything, she walked passed me and her soft scent hit me, the same scent from my room, i could swear she was in my room,

I followed her out to see her disappearing into the dining room, i followed as well and on entering i saw her her now covered with a scarf and she was serving some food unto a plate from the already arranged food flask and dishes and by her side was the Cook,

I did a quick mental assessments of her dressing that simply showed she was decent, no curve or unwanted skin was showing, just some loose strands of her, and to my shock i found myself regretting to hire a male cook,

"How do you feel today ma'am, your health" he asked her,

A perfect reminder that she was sick and i am responsible for her well being,

"Oh am fine Alfred, i feel strong a bit" she calmly replied and a light smile was playing on her face,

"That's great Ma'am, i was so eager for you to wake up, i wanted to meet my madam" Alfred said and to my surprise she chuckled and just shook her head, just when i quietly sat down,

"Good morning sire" he greeted and i just nodded with a straight face, i am seriously thinking of firing him and getting a female cook

Without saying a word, she placed a tray ladened with a plate full of sandwich, chips, scrambled egg and sausage, then a tumbler full of orange juice, a cup of coffee,

She was still wearing her poker face with a slight pout and her eyebrows creased a bit, its as if she can't stand my presence and my theory was confirmed because right before i thought of saying thank you, she turned and walked out in the process waving off Alfred's question of she eating,

"As if i had a choice to be stuck with her" i murmured and set to eat the breakfast i just lost my appetite for.

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