Chapter 1

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A year and six months after my husband's dead, i was still not ready for alot of things, one of them is my job as the CEO of SHIMMER AND SHINE FASHION WORLD, everything about my job, my company, revolves round my husband, from my ideas, design sketches, my marketing and everything, Jabir has always being there to guide me, to support me, to appreciate me, with him gone, I lost my Mojo, i lost the passion i once had for fashion,

So automatically i became a stay at home lady, with nothing to do except wake up, pray, eat, yoga, and sleep, that has being my routine for a year and six months,

my parents at a point stopped urging me to do this, to that, to visit this family, to visit this relative or that friend,

I rarely go out, not even for some junks or to check how my junior sister was running my fashion world, i was just not ready for any of that, so that's why my friends gave up trying to include me in some fun stuffs or anything because i don't want to.

So today after my lunch and afternoon yoga, i was ready to nap when i received some very very disturbing orders from my Dad, he said i should dress up and that he, my mother, i, my junior sister , her husband, my senior brother, his wife will be going to see Jabir's parents,

His voice didn't give room for argument nor questions, so i had to do it and soon I was dressed up in a free a line gown and a huge long hijab to cover everything

"Ya Ameee, gurin fa surukai za mu" my sister Zainab whinned upon seeing me coming down the stairs in my long wide hijab with my usual pale face,

"And so, what's with the fashion just because am visiting my... In-laws" I said, i never want to say ex inlaws, but that is the harsh truth, "are you saying its Haram" i asked with a raised eyebrow,

"Noooooo, i didn't say so but atleast look good" she said

"Gaskiya dai Amee, you look like someone who comes from the village, even Larai won't dress like that" my senior brother's wife Nafisa added, as she refered to our house maid

Nafisa and Zainab and my brother are the only three's company i prefered apart from my parents, since after Jabir's death, they are the only ones that don't force me to do something i don't want to do, then followed by Jabir's junior sisters Aisha, maryam and Najlah, the three are another set of friends and sisters i got ever since i married Jabir

"No, am not changing anything" i bluntly said just when Zainab's husband and Ya Sadeeq entered,

"Yauwa, ya Sadeeq, please tell Ya Amee to go change, she looks like one fifty year old lean aunty" Zainab dramatically explained and before he could say something i quickly said "yes because i don't want to look like you that looks like one fifty year old fat aunty, i wonder what Omar is feeding you"

Everyone chuckled at my jab at her while she pouts and glare at Omar her husband, "kai Ya Amee, its because of the pregnacy" she said

"Pregnancy that is only two months, i wonder how you will look when you are in your last trimester" i said again, she pouted again and turned to Ya sadeeq "tell her to go change"

"Please tell her" his wife urged, he looked at me for some seconds am sure taking in how pale i look, i pleaded with him with my eyes and to my relive he turned to them and said "she looks just fine", the two of them groaned while Omar said "ya Sadeeq, kawai mu sa su fara sa hijab haka wallahi"

"Allah noo, Omar don't poison my husband's mind oh" Nafisa quickly said

"There is nothing wrong with hijabs like this, they are beautiful" Omar said and i nodded,

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