Chapter 20

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"Oh hello" she manged to say with a smile, the two ignored her and Razila walked pass her as if she owns the house, well she plans on owning it by marrying Mahmood anytime soon, she thinks,

"Where is he" Razila asked

"You mean my husband" Ameerah asked with a poker face "work", Razila sure felt the jab,

"Well i and my besty will wait for him and until then, serve us something" Razila said with authority as she headed to the inner sitting room, which she found lock

"Why is this place lock" Razila asked

"My house my ways" Ameerah calmly replied

"Well open it, i want to watch something"

"Watch it here, this sitting room or back at your house" Ameerah said and went back to the kitchen to inform Mama Hajna of their visitor,

Some moments later they heard the arrival of her sister Zainab, Her sister inlaw Nafisa, Najlah, Maryam and Aisha,

She hurriedly walk pass Razila and her friend now seated in the first sitting room, On opening the door she gave a yelp of excitement and hugged them each,

"Where is my baby" She asked Najla

"Home, i need some rest" Najlah answered and walked in,

"I see you have visitors" Aisha said out loud

"Yes i did" Ameerah replied with a smirk, it was Zainab and Nafisa that went ahead to great Razila and her friend with a smile, which they immediately regretted because they both didn't reply, instead Razila hissed and went back to her phone,

"Why did you even bother" Najlah chastised Zainab and Nafisa

"Anyways i just finished some glowing dumplings and kebab, who wants some" Ameerah announced, almost everyone of them answered

"Hello girls" Mama Hajna called as she cheerfully entered sitting room with a tray full of chocolate cupcakes, the ladies stood with excitement as they went over to her, exchanging hugs and peck, then she offered them the cakes and went back to kitchen

"Talking about glowing do you see how she is glowing" Maryam begun immediately Ameerah left for the kitchen and they were munching their cakes

"Who mama Hajna, I didn't notice" Najlah begun

"No, silly, Ya Amee" Maryam said

"Oh" Najlah exclaimed

"I noticed and she is more zippy today" Nafisa said

"Thats a good thing, i mean it is good right, remember the last time we were here, she and Ya Moody" Aisha begun

"What happened" Najlah asked

"They hugged" Aisha begun "PA..SSIO..NATE..LY" she dramatically stressed

"No" Nafisa exclaimed as they choose to ignore Razila's sudden interest in their conversation,

"And he carried her" Maryam said "like Bridal style carrying and told us to show ourselves OUT"

"He did" Nafisa asked

"He did" Aisha supported with a nod,

"Does that mean, they now love each other," Nafisa asked

"In her dreams" they heard Razila scoff,

"What" Aisha inquired

"He will never love her, a sudden wife who are we kidding" she said

"And you think he will love you" Najlah asked "you are so naive dear cousin" she added

"Hey everyone to the dining room" Ameerah informed "oh feel free to join us Razila and your friend"

"We rather eat here" Razila snapped "serve us here"

"Or go to your own husband's house order people around" Najlah said as she stood up with the others who were chuckling"nobody is serving you and your friend here, is either you join us or you stay hungry" with that they headed to dining table

Soon they were eating and talking, even Mama Hajna was eating with them,

Almost an hour later, the door was pushed open and Mahmood came in, Ameerah looked up and saw him walking in, their eyes met for a moment as she stood up, and the very moment his face break into a smile, they heard a loud screeching sound and they all saw Razila launching her self unto him,

"Ya Mahmood" she called as she hugged him, he watched the excitement in his wife's eyes evaporate,

"Guess what Ya Mahmood" Razila begun as he disengaged from her but she was right behind him as headed to the dining room, where Ameerah choose to suddenly leave and disappear to the kitchen,

"Ya Mahmood" Aisha was the first to see him, they all greeted him cheerfully,

"As i was saying i and my friend are here to spend like three days or maybe a week, i am tired of staying at home" Razila added with a pout

"You are so desperate aren't you" Aisha snapped

"Aisha" he warned

"Are we welcome Ya Mahmood" Razila asked now wearing her puppy eyes along with her pout

"You should ask his wife, that's protocol" Najlah begun

"Its his house, he is my cousin, my brother, so i am asking him" Razila said

"It's owkey Razila, you can stay" he said and headed to the kitchen where he saw his wife washing some dishes

"Is the dish washer faulty" he asked as he stepped in

"No, just wanted to get busy" she replied after sparing him a glance and back to her work, he felt the attitude

"Busy huh" he said as walked over to her

"Yeah" she said and just as he was about holding her, she quickly stepped away and headed to the fridge looking for nothing in particular

"You should go eat" she begun "you must be hungry"

"I am" he said

"Oh hey, sorry to interrupt but your husband just gave Razila and her friend to spend the days here" Aisha begun the moment she stepped in and stressing 'YOUR HUSBAND'

"He did" she asked with shock clearly as evident on her face

"He did" Aisha said

"Wow, that's new" Ameerah said with a sigh

"Is that what you will say" Aisha impatiently asked

"It's his house, he gives the orders obviously" She replied and hurriedly went out,

"Really Aisha" he asked

"You had it coming" she said and went out.

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