Chapter 17

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I groaned and my annoyance for Razila increased, that girl is so naïve, I went to one of the sitting rooms, hoping she will come back down, but she didn't, at some points I decided to give off the Tv and go up, because I couldn't concentrate due to the thoughts of Brown lips and a splitting headache, my sleepless nights was about to catch up to me, I went straight to my room and decided to try getting some sleep.

In the middle of my sleep and splitting headache, I heard a loud knock on my door, "its open" I called annoyed at whosoever was knocking, but the moment the door open, my annoyance melted and I tried smiling as she walked in "soft lips" I breathed,

"what happned, you sound sick" she said full of worries as she reached the bed, climbed on it and place a hand on my forehead and neck,
"your temperature is a bit high" she said
"just headache" I said with a smile, my head was seriously aching,
"we should call doctor Asar" she said and meant to get off, but i mustered up some strength and pulled her down to my body,
"I will be fine, I just need some sleep and a pain killer, I promise I will be fine" I said as I stroke her hair,
"sure" she asked looking up at me and I nodded "okwy if I see you getting worse, I will call him immediately" she warned and I nodded,
"okwy let me get you dinner and then some pain killers" she said
"no, just some milk and fruit salad will do" I said she nodded and stood up to go
"hurry back" I said, she smiled and nodded before disappearing,

When she came back with the colorful fruit salad and a jar of strawberry fresh milk, sat up and allowed her fed me, I pleaded with her to eat too which she did, and after that, I asked her to change out of that Abaya in my closet, she came out looking sexy in my baggy pajamas shirt, her hair loose and wavy, I opened my arms for her and watch her climb the bed and laid down,
"I will do the cuddling today" she said with a smile, I chuckled and entered her open hands, placing my head on her chest, and snaking my hands round her, before I fell asleep, I felt her fingers going through my hair and just like that with a smile on my face, I slept off.

Come next morning after our morning prayers, we slept off again, it was past 10am when I woke up, to find that her shirt has rolled up and her pant clad, smooth bum was pressing on me, while she slept, it took me ounce of strength to calm the urge of ravishing her body at that moment,

I then decided to have a quick shower and went down to make some pancakes for her as a thank you for taking care of me, because I feel perfectly alright, no headache nothing nothing, and out of my giddiness today, I force Hajna to take the day off which she did that very morning,

I was way into the pancakes when I heard her voice, "thank God, I was worried when I woke up and didn't see you" she said and on turning, I saw her in the same PJ shirt of mine,
"why did you disappear, and you should be in bed" she said as she reaches me and meant to grab the spatula
"no, am perfectly fine, just sit down while I make them"
"can you even cook" she asked as she was hell bent on getting the spatula that was out of her reach
"hey missy, am good at cooking" I defended,
"I hear, now please go back up let me make it" she pleaded
"I promise am owkey'I said using my free hand to cup her cheek,
"fine, let me help you then"
"no brown lips, I got this, just sit down and look sexy for me" I said with a wink and wriggle my brows at her exposed thighs,
"gosh, I was looking for you, I forgot, I should go and change before Mama Hajna comes out" she said and turned to go but I quickly grabbed her

"Mama Hajna has taken the day off, I made her, so be free" I said, she seems to contemplate for some seconds but then sighed and sat down by the island facing me, I smiled and poured her a cup of fresh mango juice and passed it to her,

As I cook, we were having conversations, about everything and she was laughing, she is a laugher and I fucking love it, some minutes later, i presented a plate full of pancakes with white chocolate, whip cream, mashed grapes soaked in syrup,
"God" she exclaimed after I forwarded a bite to her "dude you know your toppings" she said and forwarded her fist for me to bump, I was surprised but I did and she grabbed the fork from me, "go get yours, cause I aint waiting for you" she added as she cut out another and took the huge bit, I laughed and joined her with my fork,

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