Chapter 13

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I didn't care , I was letting it out today,
"God, just because Aisha and co tell you how perfectly inlove we were, that doesn't mean it was true, Nadia was the queen of charade, it was all a pretence, the only time I was happy with her, was the first few months of our marriage, GOD, Nadia did nothing but broke me into pieces, someone I loved, someone I can move heaven and earth for broke me, betrayed my love, took my love as a weakness" with that I screamed and punched the wall in anger making her shriek ,

"Mahmood you... but I didn't wait for anything else, I just walked out, in a hurry, I could hear her running after me, but I didn't mind, I need to get away from her before my anger makes me hurt her, within some seconds I roughly drove out of the house, tears, anger and hatred for nobody for my so called loving wife Nadia clouded my vison,

I drove straight to the club house which was empty, on entering our usual area, with the need to let out my anger, my bottled up anger for years, my bottled up emotions, I grapped a bat and begun smashing and breaking anything I could blindly reach,

Some minutes later, I sat in the middle of my mess and howled in pains and layed there crying, it has being years since I let it out.


The moment she saw him rush out and drove out, she screamed but it was futile, the elderly  cook Hajna came out,

"is everything owkey dear" she asked with worries,
"its Mahmood, Mahmood, Mahmood" she kept crying as she pants,
"what did he do, did he do something to you" Hajna asked as she tries to steady Ameerah who was going to and fro,
"call Jamal, now" she ordered and immaedtily, Hajna ran to make the call,

Some minutes later Jamal was standing in the kitchen, with Hajna and Ameerah who was still crying as she sat by the island in the kitchen, Jamal was making calls, he has already dispatch his men to look for his boss, he himself was worried because if what Ameerah told him about Mahmood's outburst was correct, then he knew Mahmood will be somewhere venting out his anger, the question is where,

He knew Mahmood has kept any emotional trauma from Nadia bottled up, so if Ameerah could make him burst open like that, then it only means, Mahmood is battling with loving and trusting another woman since Nadia.

Almost two hours later, which was 3am, AMeerah's cries have died down, but she was still whimpering,

"Mama Hajna, please go by the intercom and wait for news" she calmly called,
jamal knew, Ameerah was about to ask him something confidential, Hajna nodded and left,

"Jamal sit" she said in a voice that so calm and yet authoritve, Jamal sighed and sat
"tell me about his life with Nadia" she said
"Ma'am, i....
"I need to know his past in order to know him and understand him, it's the only way we are gonna give anthing a chance, so please, tell me" she said as tears pooled up in her eyes,
Jamal knew she was right, but was he in a position to say anything, but he has no choice, he wants his boss, his friend to find love again, so he sighed and begun

"Mahmood and Nadia met in.....

"spare me that, I have heard that, just what she did to him, everyone believes they were happily married, but its obvious they only see what they were allowed to see"
"you are right, their happy marriage only lasted months and then it all begun the very day they both found out Nadia was 2 weeks pregnant" Jamal begun "Mahmood loved Nadia more than life itself, he worshipped her and was ready to go against anybody for her, his family loved her as she was sweet and kind and moreover she makes Mahmood happy,
The day they found out she was pregnant, Mahmood's joy knew no bounds, he jubilated, he gave alms more than he usually gave, he was so happy, he begun to buy shares, mansions, cars in the name of the child, then three days later, he came back home to find Nadia in the pool of her own blood, the baby was gone, it continued that way , she loosing babies, seven times in just 9 months and the doctor confirmed they was delibratley aborted,
Mahmood even thou angry decided to ask why, he believed she had a tangible reason, reason he believed he will agree to and they will happily move on, but her reason was that he wasn't ready and she wasn't ready because she is doesn't want to have a baby with him because she wants to go back to her ex husband whom she got divorced from 3 times, she demanded for divorce right then, but he refused, even when she told him none of the babies were his, telling him she married because it was the only way to get back with her ex husband,

Mahmood was broken, enraged, angered yet in love with Nadia, this was a woman he was ready to move heaven and earth for, this was the woman who he was prepared to transfer halve of his property to, this was the woman he was prepared to give his life for, she was his everything and yet to her, he was nothing but a pawn in games, he refused to divorce her, thinking she might change her mind, he was ready to forgive her, but it only grew worse, in the presence of his family and friends, she will pay the loving wife and when they are alone, she will be his worse nightmare, yet he refused to divorce her, he was confronted time without number by her ex husband, but he still refused to let her go, he still had hopes, even when she begun to spend the night outside, nights after nights in her lover's arm,

Someday he found her bleeding again, he knew she was loosing another baby and even when she shamelessly admitted it wasn't his, he took care of her, only for to run back to her lovers arms, it happened for three more times, loosing a baby that wasn't his and he still taking care of her but yet he still had little hope, because in his defense, he  simply did not see her in the act,

After 6 years of marriage, unhappy marriage, he walked into their mansion in Abuja and saw Nadia with her ex husband on bed, before his rage took over, she suddenly begun to bleed, she was loosing another baby at that moment, she herself doesn't know,

"I thought we agreed to keep it" she asked her ex husband as she held her stomach in pains,
"you wanted to, but I didn't, I had to do something, my reputation" the insolent guy said,
"you idiot" Mahmood yelled as he held her in his body, "the doctor warned that any more abortion, can take her life" he cried as she was now loosing consiesness, on see and realizing what he might have done, her ex husband quickly left,

That very night, Nadia died in his arms in the hospital, leaving a broken Mahmood for us, he paid the doctor to hush her source of death and it was told she had cerebrum malaria,

"ya Allah" Ameerah exclaimed as she broke down, full of pity and something new for the broken husband she was married to,

"he doesn't hate you at all, he just hates what he allowed Nadia do to him, he hates, another woman is forced into his life and he hates he might fall inlove again and made a fool out of again, especially with the past you have, married to his cousin,

Ameerah kept on crying and whimpering, "I thought he hates me" she said, "God, what have I done, he was trying" she added to herself,
Suddenly Jamal's phone rang, it was to 5am, he picked it up and immedtiatly stood up, after hearing the caller for some seconds , he said ok and ended the call,

"they found him in the club house, where he and his friends do hang out, he is a mess, I will go bring him right away",
"am coming with you" she said and before Jamal could protest, she had grabbed the veil of her abaya and was rushing to the door.

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