Chapter 14

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I groggily opened my eyes, the very moment I felt sharp stinging pains on my bare arms and palms, that was the very moment my eyes adjusted to the rays of light and in the mist of it a fair face, looming over to me,

"he is waking up, and he is hurt all over" I head her say, her voice was strained as if she cried and cried,

"hey" I manged to say as I fully open my eyes and try to sit up "am fine" I said and in my seated position on the littred floor, I took in my surroundings, "the guys are gonna kill me" I said as I took in the damage I did and my eyes landed on her, she was squatted infront of me, looking at me, with a stern look,

As if a little boy caught doing something bad, I sheepishly smiled and meant to scratch the nape of my neck, when I felt hurt all over my arms again "ouch" I gasped

"don't do that" she shouted, "we need to get you to the doctor, Jamal call doctor Asar" she ordred, and that was when I saw Jamal who giving me a confuse look as well, Her authorative voice was hot and funny,

"come on now" she gently said as she stood up and to my surprise trying to help me stand up, which I complied
"am hungry" I said and I really was hungry "lets go home please"
"but, you are hurt" she said to me looking at me, with a pleading eyes
"he can see me at home, hate hospitals" I said, I really hated hospitals because of Nadia, I now hate a lot of things because of her,
"owkey" she said and pulled me toward the door and I allowed her, Jamal choose to stay back and handle the damages  I did, so she was the one driving the rangerover evouqe they came with, I wonder if she sat in the front with him,

The drive home was quite, but I can see she was thinking hard as she drove, she held the stirring wheel as if to crush it, it was funny and yet I was wondering whats going on through her head,

Wherelse I was feeling different, I was feeling some kind of freedom after my outburst, I was feeling kind of ready to let go, I was scared but for the first time I was ready to start something new.

I was deep in my thought when I heard my door open and I turned to see her by the door with the doctor Asar, we were already home,

The two led me in admist Hajna's loud praises to Allah that I was alive, I was taken to one of the sitting rooms, where the doctor immedtialy begun to clean and threat the mild mild cuts on both my arms, am sure it was because of the glasses I broke with my arm,

As I was treated she sat there watching me with that her scary frown or scowl, I kept looking everywhere but her but she wasn't looking away,

Asar soon bade us goodbye with some instructions and left, just when Jamal came in, the very moment I opened my mind to speak, she stood up, "Jamal, take him to the dining room, I will bring breakfast, including you" she said and gracefully walked out,

"why Man" he asked as he sat me down by the dining table,
"I needed it and it felt good after it" I truthfully admitted it, he regarded me for some seconds and nodded just when Hajna came in and was arranging breakfast

"where is she, I thought she was setting it" I asked
"she looked tired, I asked her to go have a rest" Hajna said as she was now swerving us

"but I thought she was gonna feed me" I quietly admitted, eeven thou I was capable of doing it myself, Jamal opened his mouth in shock,
"oh Jamal here can do it" Hajna said, it was then I noticed her cold attitude,
"oh I can" he said eagerly
"don't even think about it" I warned and turned to Hajna
"am I picking up some attitude" I sweetly asked Hajna, the woman pouted and folded her hands "oh so you noticed" she said, that woman has being so dramatic, ever since I was a kid,
"am a patient you know, what did I do" I asked
"are you asking me, is that way to act because you had a fight, to go injure yourself" she snapped
"mama HAJIIII, am sorry, I was just not myself" I pleaded
"I hope you are yourself now to notice, your wife's puffy eyes, cause she didn't sleep a blink, crying and praying you will be owkey"
"she did" I asked mouth agape and she nodded "ask Jamal, she wouldn't let him breath", I turned to Jamal who nodded and I suddenly felt bad for acting like am so fine and what I did was owkey,

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