Chapter 7

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The moment I stepped in, her familiar scent was what hit me, I thought I will see her around, but  to a bit of my dismay, I didn't see her,

I headed to the kitchen and there on the island I saw three huge cookie jars, the cookies were neatly arranged and that enticed me, especially a pink looking cookie, and I decided to take a piece, and I ended up taking three more after the first bite,

I headed up, munching the strawberry and lemon flavored cookie, Alfred is really talented, maybe I should keep him, i thought to myself,

On reaching the top of the stairs, I almost dropped my cookies, because there she was, in an ash halve vest and a pink sexy yoga pant, very sexy yoga pants, she was seated on her yoga math, eyes close, hair in a mess, a sexy looking mess, the shape of her waist and hips in those pants and from the posture was something so so inviting to look, touch and do a lot on, Ya Allah, she was so so hot and secy and the moment lulu eyes shot open,

Her eyes popped out a bit and it was funny but making me crease my eyebrow maybe to intimidate her
"how did you get in" she blurted
"its my house" I said, I sounded straight, but I saw her frown and stood up and for some seconds there giving me a view of her backside which was heaven,
"welcome" I heard her murmur
"you always speak under your breath, why" i found myself asking and again she murmured "nothing" and quickly headed to her room and closed the door,
"chance my foot, that girl hates me" I said to myself as I headed to my room "but why, I did not ask for this marriage, I was forced into it, I am a victim as well"

Immediately I entered my room , I stripped and decided to shower, I came out to find six missed calls from Razila, my cousin, someone who thought I will marry her after Nadia, she has being playing the concerned lady ever since Nadia's death, but I rather marry anyone than Razila, yeah she beautiful, very beautiful, but Razila is not my type, never was, and I know she has being inlove with me like forever, she rarely showed it when I married Nadia, because Nadia was a jealous maniac, I laughed out loud at that of Nadia's jealousy which at a point I found cute and later it turned into something else.

The next day was Sunday so I was free, I woke up, showered and dressed casually and decided to come downstairs, that was when I heard her laughing out loud, I entered the kitchen to find her by the cooking stove she was obviously the one cooking, with the sizzlings, the sounds and the aroma and Alfred by the island, she was still laughing,

I took in her appearance in a straight dark blue short sleeved abaya, her hair in a scarf but two pig tails running down her chest almost to her midriff, Alfred has to go

"am serious Ma'am, I thought it was a fundant, that's why I ate it" Alfred said and at thatvery moment he saw me,
"good morning sire, welcome sire" and I watch her quickly turn and to my anger again, her smile disappeared and in its place was a frown,

"breakfast , now" I coldly said, I then hissed and disappeared to the dinning room, again to my annoyance she didn't come to serve me, Alfred did
"get me some of that cookies, you baked, the pink one" I ordred as he served me, because I just lost my appetite for what ever that was cooked by her, she could even poison me, don't judge me, she is a good liar, she can poison me and lie about it,

"um, I didn't bake them, Ma'am did, she has a sweet tooth, she made them all, she even thought me some recipe, it was fun", I refused to dwell on how tasty her cookies was, instead I dwelled on how Alfred really needs to go, that very day,

As i play around with my now cold breakfast, from the corner of my eyes, i saw her leaving the kitchen with a can of Soda drink and and a pack of cheetos, no wonder she has a fat butt, she eats junk, i hissed out loud, I wasn't annoyed at her fat ass, infact i love it, but i was just annoyed at everything, her whole attitude.

In the afternoon, i had lunch alone and Kassim came over, the two of us played some PS5 game  and am sure it was because of Kassim that i got the pity of being served some nice chapman she made with some snacks

So later on, i headed to the club house to meet the guys on my way out I found myself packing lots of the cookies she made and more more just to annoy her,

The moment I stepped into the building, they begun their tease about me and my wife, the wife who doesn't care where i go to, she never asks where i go to or when I will be back,

"What's that you got" Taiwo the foodie asked motioning to the bag of stolen cookies

"Cookies i stole" i said to them as i sat down "from my wife" i added and they all burst into laughter

"Lemme have some man" Taiwo said and off-road him the bag to pick just one but the greedy bastard took two, soon all of them took one to two pieces and the comments i was receiving made me proud, the irony, i was proud of the wife who hates me,

"So you two getting along now" Hafeez asked and i looked up to see all their eyes on me waiting for answers

"We are getting there, i mean we don't argue" i said

"That's bad" Silas said

"Bad that we are not arguing" i asked confused

"You argue when the feelings are beginning to develop, but with no arguments, that means you both don't care about each other" Silas said

"I kind of agree" Naseem said

"Dude wetin be kind of, just agree with me" Silas said, making some of us to laugh,

"But argument shows what Silas is really trying to say" Taiwo said

Dudes, give them more time, its only being days, like 12 days or less" Rashad said

"We need to be there and advice her, you both and you are yet to get back at us with the invitation" Hafeez said

"I haven't told her yet, but I will find time to tell her" I said,

Soon we begun to talk about other stuffs, there was never a dull moment when we are all here, some minutes to ten we all decided to call it a night,

I drove straight home after getting some pizza wrap I suddenly have a craving for, on reaching home, i found some milkshake in the fridge and took it with my pizz wrap, then on my way upstairs, to my room, I noticed one of the bedrooms was a bit open,

My legs betrayed me and headed into the open room, it was empty and just as i turn to leave wondering why it was open because she and i dont use it, even thou it's perfectly furnished,

I heard the door to the bathroom open and i turned to see her engrossed in looking at something on her palm, but what really made ny breathed to hitched was seeing her in a very short towel, that was cream in color, she was wet and wet hair in messy bun,

I saw sniffed the air a bit and looked up to see me, the moment our eyes met, she glared at me, "why didn't you knock" she chastised

"Cause i didn't know someone was inside" i defended "and the door was open" i added, i was totally awed by the fact that she didn't shy away, instead she calmly headed to the bed and quickly put on the robe that was on the bed and i watch the towel fall from underneath the robe,

I found myself thinking, what if there was no robe, what will she look like, she brought me back from imaginations with a question "where looking for me, did you need something" she was calm

"Um no, not really but why were you using these room, i mean not that it mattered, just curious, you know what, forget it" i said and quickly left the room because i could feel my mind going blank and my penis growing hard by the second as i stoof there watching her wet glistening body, the last thing i need is for her to see my hardon through my sweat pants.

I went back to my room and decided to have a very cold shower because my hard on needed that, it's being long a lady had that effect on me, why her, 'she is your wife and she is sexy'  the voice in my head said,

"Ya Allah" i murmured for the hundred time that night i think, and when i laid down, and she just had to appear in my dream, over and over again, making me have a wet dream.

ANOTHER CHANCE ANOTHER LOVE. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant