Chapter 15

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The next day, being Monday, I woke up to find her missing from my room, after spending the whole day in my room yesterday, she spend the night with me, in my arms and that's enough to make my day look bright,

I quickly dressed up after my showers and prayers, I stopped by her room but she wasn't there, I then proceeded downstairs , to the dining room where she was setting the table, she wasn't smiling, but the air around her was so inviting

"Good morning dear, how are you feeling" Mama Hajna said as she came in through the door that led to the kitchen holding a bowl of something steaming,

I watch her turn and when our eyes met, there was a twinkle in them but she still didn't smile, will it kill her to smile just for me, even yesterday was the same story, she never smiled for me or because of me,

"goodmorning" she said as I sat down,
"you ran off" I said with a pout,
"I came down to make breakfast" she said with a pout as well "I thought you will rest today"

she added as she place a cup of coffee infront of me, followed by a tray of my breakfast,

"its Monday and I have important meetings, two of em, but I will be back early to rest", she nodded and poured me a cup of juice and asked "how are you feeling"

"never being better" I whispered and she nodded again and  to my dismay, she left for the kitchen, I stalled my food waiting for her to come back but she didn't, in annoyance, I left for office without them knowing.

On our way back from the meetings, I was so eager to come home and meet her, "man, am sorry, but I told her all about Nadia and you, its for the....... But his remaining words were muffled with the screeching sound of me stopping the car with a halt,

"you did what" I yelled in anger, the very same time it dawned on me why she was being nice, it was out of pity, pity for me, not because she wants to, it was pity for me, "you had no right" I said, rage was about to blind me and it wont be good for anyone

"she asked me, I had to, she deserves to know" Jamal defended,
"get out, get out of my car now" Jamal sighed and did as I ordered, I then sped up straight home,

On entering the house she was the first person I saw, she came up to me, "you are back early, should i get you some parfait" she asked, Pity affection

"no" I coldly said
"she made it herself, you will love it" Hajna added,
"I said no" and headed towards the stairs "but son she.... "no Mama Hajna, he doesn't want it" I heard her say in a cracked tone, I immedtatily hated my actions but she was doing this because she pitys the broken man she has heard off.

Come afternoon, I refused to come down for lunch, even when Hajna came up knocking I refused to answer,

In the evening, I heard a soft knock and her voice "I brought you dinner and your pills" I heard her say,
"keep it there and get out" I coldly said and for some few seconds I heard the sound of whimpers and her loud retreating steps,

Late in the evening, I was turning and tossing on my bed when I heard her soft knock again, my lips betrayed me and I said "come in", the moment she came in I saw her tear stained face,
"what happened to you" she softly asked, I hissed in annoyance and stood up from the bed,
"what do you want" I was cold I knew it,
"to check up on you" she answered
"am so fucking fine, so I don't need your pity, so get out" I thundered and I saw her took a step backwards, she was scared "I said get out" but she didn't, she stood there
"what happened, what pity" she asked, I hate how cool she sounded, I hated the effect its having on me,

"don't stand there playing dumb' I yelled and grabbed a vase then smashed it to the wall, I saw her gasped in fear, "get out" I yelled but she refused

ANOTHER CHANCE ANOTHER LOVE. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن