Chapter 5

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Not that I expected a goodbye from her, but atleast she should wish me well, she didn't even ask when I will be back or something, she just doesn't care, she hated me, and just like that I found myself wondering if it was her late husband, the way she will all b lovey  dovey, telling him sweet nothingness, exchanging kisses and stuffs, yeah because he is the loved the husband the one who has her heart, not me, I am just a broken husband of Nadia's and that's all I will ever be.

On reaching the airport, I drove straight to the runway where I met my chief of security, two guards of mine and my PA, they were waiting for me on the runway by one of my jets, they all chorused a goodmorning to me which answered with a dry wave, as one could already guess I have no all smiles, all caring relationship with any of them with the exception of my chief of security,
well Jamal my Chief of security can brag being the closest to me, because I spent most of my day with him and in the process, he does know a lot my personal problems.

"congratulations sire" he joked the moment I sat down in my private compartment which consists of just 4 comfortable plane seats and a three seater  sofa, despite the availability of space, only he is allowed to seat with me, my Pa and the rest stay in the general compartment,

I watch him sit opposite me, waiting for any kind of reaction from him to tell if he was joking or not but he maintained a straight face as he undid the button of his suit
"thanks" I mumbled
"someone doesn't seem happy" he pressed
"someone will loose his job if he doesn't go tell them to fly me off this country right now", it was an empty threat and he knows, so he chuckled out loud and stood up to still go do my bidding.

Midway into the flight, as I was going through some documents Jamal asked "you don't like her"
"we met twice for heaven sake, for not up to five minutes, first she was my cousins wife, second time she was mourning him and the third time she was already my wife, now where is the like gonna come from" I said in a calm voice but he knew I was complaining

"maybe you two can work it out and understand eachother and maybe fall in love" he said with a shrug, I looked up from the papers to give him the 'are you joking look' which he shrugged again

"me and her, love" I asked and he nodded "never gonna happen, she is way too in love with her husband, and from the way I heard things from Aisha and Najlah, it will never happen with another man"
"and what about you" he quietly asked
"yes you, wont you try to make it work" he asked
"try, how, am not ready, and I don't think I will ever be, once bitten twice shy" I said and went back to the papers with me
"you have to let it go, you have to let those memories go, you have to let Nadia go" he pushed,
"easier said than done, its not gonna happen, maybe the two of us are meant to live together but stuck with the dead and am done with this conversation"
"no, answer this, is she pretty"
"what" damn Jamal doesn't always knows No
"you heard me" he said
"no" I blurted but it was a blatant lie, that girl is beautiful
"really, we shall see, how old is she"
"I don't know, Amma said she is just 28 I think" I said it with a shrug and before he decides to ask more question I quickly put on my headphones shaking my head at him as I see him mouth something to me.

The meeting lasted 3 hours and I am glad we reached a positive agreement hoping for a positive outcome, the people I met were sponsors of my latest FR45 project, being the owner and  CEO of the well known construction company TINTS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, hello am an architectural engineer, the best there is, so they demanded to meet with only me and not just a representative.

The FR45 project is a mall project awarded to me by the president himself and so the job of meeting investors and sponsors lies with me, I am to make presentation after presentation on why the project will be a success and that the demanded fees is justified,

After the meeting we flew straight to north korea, I met with some dealers, sealed some deals and two days later I was back in Nigeria, 

Instead of going straight home to a wife who
cant stand my presence, but wait did I think about her throughout my 9 days trip, I think I did maybe once or twice and am sure its because I was tied with the guilt of she being not to well when I left, that was all,

I decided to drive to our usual club house we sometimes meet with my friends, I was sure they were going to be there because it was a Saturday and Saturday are always our boys night out when any of us is in town and my source tell me , they are all in town, my two best buddies and the rest of the gang, all in all we are six in number,

Hafeez and  Rashad my buddies right from childhood, then we were later joined by Silas who happens to be Rashad's close friend, then Taiwo who happens to be Hafeez close friend since college, then Naseem who happens to be Najlah's husband and also our childhood friend, and then me .

Every Saturday night we make it a habit of meeting there and hangout, we play cards, we bowl, we indoor golf, we play chess, play snooker, we eat, drink [not alcohol] non alcoholic fruit wine, the smokers like Hafeez and Taiwo smoke, well I sometimes smoke weed, no, we all sometimes smoke weed while Hafeez and Taiwo smoke shisha, we don't bring girls over, infact we don't do girls apart from our wives, just some little flirting and toasting here and then by Silas and Rashad and its just a harmless fun, sometimes to win a bet or a dare and sometime for us to just laugh about it, that's all.

On reaching the beautiful club house, I was let in without any questions because Naseem owns the club house.
"look who we have here, the latest groom in town" Silas called out as I stepped into our huge VIP are where the guys were already are, they all turned to us
"man twitter and instagram is blowing, your new wife seems to be popular" Hafeez said as we shook hands
"and beautiful, very very beautiful" Taiwo said making emphasis on the beautiful,  for that, i deliberately didn't shake him and went over to Rashad  and we shook hands, why will Taiwo be emphasizing on her beauty like that

"when will you introduce us, I cant wait to eat Amarya's girki " said Naseem with an air of excitement
"then you will wait forever" I said as I removed my blazer and sat down on my usual massaging chair
"wait you always invite us to lunch or dinner or eid dinner or Iftar when you and Nadia are in town" Silas pointed and all the guys turned to him giving him the WTF look, they all knew bringing up Nadia is a sensitive topic and once or twice the guys will slip up,

From the corner of my eyes I saw Silas mouthing sorry, "you've got to invite us, and eventually introduce the wives to her" Hafeez said
"yes, Najlah told me she is a very nice person" Naseem said
"Or dude we gonna invite ourselves" Rashad threatened
"you don't know the house" I said with a smug smile,
"dude, in kano town, I will soon know, besides Naseem's wife will do the job for us" Taiwo said and immeditly my smug smile disappeared
"exactly" Naseem supported, knowing my guys and what they are capable of, I said "I will talk to her about it"
"good and we will await your feed back in two days or else we gonna come knocking even if you are not around" Hafeez said and the rest nodded in agreement and right there, I started thinking , what will she be doing by this time, its just 8pm, or maybe I should go home and check and just like that, I stood up, and that very moment one of my phones rang,

it was Amma, I excused myself to answer the call.

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