Chapter 19 | 20 Questions

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Recap: Bella went on a house tour (Dylan's house) with Ethan as the guide. The chapter ends with her offering to tutor Dylan after she learns that he has dyslexia. She also learns that Tyler changed his last name. The reason behind that remains unknown.

Chapter 19 | 20 Questions

After a long day of debate and tours, I was in my tiny small room, sitting on the sad white mattress on the floor. After seeing Dylan's home mine just felt sad. His home had warmth and comfort while mine was full of anger and hatred.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, it was cold in the house since I was home alone I'd turned off the heat to save money. I was barely being able to pay the bills with the little money I had.

I glanced at the picture next to my mattress. I smiled looking at myself in the picture. Next to me stood my brother, Matthew, his eyes were shining and we were all laughing. It was the summer before she died. When everything went wrong. When everyone left me. Till I was alone...until I met Tyler.

I'd never really thought of him until today. Sure he was annoying but looking back he'd been there every time I needed someone. Dark brown hair, sky blue eyes, full pink lips, perfectly chiselled face. The sudden urge to listen to Ocean eyes fell upon me and I grabbed my phone and the Billie Eilish song began.

I've been watchin' you for some time

Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes

Burning cities and napalm skies

Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes

Your ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Fallin' into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes


My eyes began to feel heavy and I soon succumbed to the darkness that enveloped me.

The hum of an EKG monitor.





"I'm sorry, she didn't make it."

She's gone. Vanished.

Beach. White dress. Then it clears out and I see her. Perfectly silky blonde hair. White sundress. She's smiling. "Hi, baby." Her voice seems so close yet so far. I reach out for her and scream "Mom?!" She's fading, leaving me again.

No, I can't lose her. I try to run but my feet are sinking me into the ocean. "Don't leave me again!" I scream, struggle against the vines pulling me down to the earth. They're too strong. "You said you'd always be there!" I yell. "You said you wouldn't leave me!" I'm angry. She lied "you lied to me!"

The vines are wrapped around my waist. "I'm here baby always." "You left me, both of you did! You left me with that monster!" "It'll be okay, I'm here." "No, you're not that's the fucking point!" It's on my shoulders now. I'm trying to break free. "I'm here with you always. Please forgive him. And don't give up on him." "I don't know what to do!" "Yes you do, you're my daughter, it'll work out." "I miss you!" "I love you, baby!"

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