Chapter 4 | Detention

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Chapter 4 | Detention

3 words

I hate school

After willing myself to get out of bed, I got ready for my fun day in detention, note the sarcasm. I put on very casual clothes which were black sweatpants, an oversized white sweatshirt and my vans.


I walked down the empty hallway to the cafeteria and saw Tyler sitting down, he looked bored. I sat down far enough away from him while waiting for the principal to arrive. Soon enough, I heard the click-clack of her too-high heels. She walked in and I saw Ethan and Dylan standing uncomfortably behind her. "Cleaning supplies are in the janitor's closet, it's unlocked." She walked away.

"Izzy!!" Ethan screamed and gave me a huge hug. I chuckled "Hi Ethan, what are you guys doing here?" Dylan spoke up and said "to be honest I don't know, we get in trouble so often it's hard to keep track of what we did" "oh wow," I said, "yea I know, principal Rudd said if we get detention one more time we would be in big trouble, possibly a suspension or even expulsion." Ethan said, "dang how often do you guys get in trouble?" "How about less chit-chat and more cleaning?" We looked over and saw Tyler standing by the door holding cleaning supplies.

"Hey someone put on some music" Ethan suggested and took out his speaker.

I gave him my phone and he went to my playlist and lush life started playing. Dylan and Tyler rolled their eyes but I could hear them humming to the song while Ethan full-on belted out the lyrics.


"Eww!!! Gum!!!" Ethan squealed like the five-year-old he is. I rolled my eyes and went back to mopping. Dylan just smacked him upside the head.

I was minding my own business when I felt a huge splash of water on me. I turned around and saw Ethan holding an empty bucket. "Izzy!! I'm sorry that was meant for Dylan."

Oh he did not

I took a bucket of water and tried to pour it on him but he ducked and it went on Tyler. "What the hell?!" I tried to suppress my laughter but it was no use. Tyler glared furiously at me then grabbed the hose and began spraying all of us.

We emerged into a full-on water fight, everyone versus everyone.

Thank God for waterproof makeup.

I ran and hid behind a table while Ethan was chasing me. Dylan and Tyler were in a water fight now and Ethan and I were fighting.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Ethan stopped mid-throw and lowered the bucket, none of us met her gaze. We were drenched in water and the cafeteria looked worse than when we started.

"Who is responsible for this?!" Her angry voice boomed through the room. Everyone was silent as we exchanged looks."It was me" "You-" she said pointing at me "-come with me. The others clean this place up. Now!"

Everyone immediately got to work while I followed behind her. She took me to the gym closet and gave me a fresh pair of gym shorts and a shirt, then she led me to her office. Luckily for me, the bruises on my arms and legs were faint and you would need to be up close to see so I didn't bother.

"Care to explain yourself?" I didn't look up "I'm s-s-sorry" I mumbled nervously. If she called home and told my dad about this I'd be in even more trouble which was making me nervous. I took deep breaths and kept looking at my fingers. "Because of your honesty, I will let you go without any trouble." I looked up and smiled "thank you and...sorry" She nodded and I left her office.

I walked into the cafeteria with my wet clothes in a bag. "Why did you do that? Are you crazy?!" Ethan asked and I simply shrugged "I didn't want to clean up so I took the easy way out."

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