Chapter 29 | The Sleepover Part 4

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Hey everyone! *Nervous chuckle* Okay so I know I haven't updated in a long while and I'm sorry, so much has been happening and to say it's been hectic would be an understatement. With that being said, let's have a little recap shall we?

Recap: Bella meets Carl at the diner and ends up being assaulted, Tyler finds her and takes her unconscious body back to Dylan's, she chooses to stay there until she's well and they all decide to have a sleepover extravaganza where they end up in jail due to a dare gone wrong, then Bella ends up seeing her best friend Patrick who knows about her secret. The previous chapter ended with the rest of the gang (excluding Dy and E) finding out that Tyler has a sister who was hurt by some rich kids.

Chapter 29 | The Sleepover Part 4

"So let me get this straight, a few years ago some Preston kid dated your sister and ended up hurting her and now you want revenge? How are you even gonna get that? He probably graduated already."

We were all seated on the couch now talking about a plan for Preston kids, after getting over the shock of Ty having a sister of course. Turns out that Sophia is his sister's name. Why he tatted her name on his neck remains unknown to me.

Tessa turned to me "every year Preston holds this huge bash where new and old students come together, it's happening as we speak. It goes till like 10 am. Students usually sleep there and leave in the morning."

I leaned back and rested my head on Ty's shoulder trying to come up with a possible plan. "We could just pretend to be guests of a Prez kid, maybe we could say we forgot something?" Tessa suggested

"That won't work, you know Prez they are highly guarded they'll probably ask you to name the person and they'll go ask. It's a sure sign we'll get busted." We were once silent yet again after listening to what Dylan had said. Then, it struck me.

"I'll be back, I have an idea." I walked up the stairs, into Ty's room and up the second flight of stairs to the roof. I saw my phone on the couch and picked it up, dialling a number. I bit my nail nervously as I paced on the roof.

"Please tell me the only reason why you're calling me is 'cause you're in a life-threatening position." His sleep-laced voice rang in my ear.

I let out a nervous chuckle "um, not exactly." "Then why are you calling me at two in the morning?" "Is Kinsey's sister at the Preston bash?" "I think so, why?" "Think you can get us in?" He didn't reply, however, the sound of his bed rustling made me realize he was probably sitting up.

"By us, I assume you mean you, Alison, Tessa, Dylan, Ethan and the infamous Tyler?" I nodded then remembered he couldn't see me "yeah." "Why exactly do you want to go to Preston at 2:05 am?" "I can't say but it's for Tyler. Can you help or not?" "Mind if I and the guys tag along? Kinsey has some business he needs to settle with Prez kids." I raise a brow, "by the guys I assume you mean yourself, Kinsey, Daniel and Logan?" "Yup." I let out a sigh, "how fast can you get to Dylan's?" "In half an hour."

"Alright, thanks. See you soon, bye." I hang up, turn, and let out a shriek before holding my chest. "Jeez! Tyler! What the hell?!" He stables himself against the wall and laughs until tears brim his eyes. He gasps for air then laughs again. Despite me being slightly annoyed I couldn't help but notice how beautiful his laugh was. It made a small smile come to my lips.

"W-who were you talking to?" He asks when he's calmed down. "Mason, his friend Kinsey has a sister who goes to Preston, he said he can get us in but he and his friend wanna tag along. Something about business with Preston kids."

Tyler's smile vanished. "Thanks but no." "Why not? It's our shot at getting in!" "Because I don't want to see Mason and your wannabe football star boyfriend okay?" "Why Tyler? Please. Just please, I'm trying to help you. Let me help you." I walk up to him and take his hands in mine. "This is my way of saying thank you for helping me with Carl." "I didn't do it for a thank you." "Allow me to thank you anyway. Please."

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