Chapter 27 | The Sleepover Part 2

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Recap: Bella wakes up in Tyler's room after hearing distinct conversations with her friends, Rosalie and the doctor. She chooses to stay over at Dylan's until she's fully well. After her shower, she sneaks back into Tyler's room where they see each other standing there both in only the towels hehehe

Chapter 27 | The Sleepover Part 2

"Ty?" I say trying to get his attention. His eyes snap up to meet mine and he shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair. His muscles and abs flex and the veins in his hand's bulge.

Oh good Lord

"Uh, yea sorry what was that?" He asked seemingly regaining focus. I grip the towel harder. "My bag, I need it." I suddenly feel very self-conscious. I had bruises all over me, scars and cuts that were still healing. I hardly see why he'd find any of that remotely attractive. My face falls when I realize the look was probably more out of shock and disgust than lust.

"Can I please have my bag?" I say in a small voice then hang my head down low. I feel beyond embarrassed now. Tyler was notorious for being with girls, pretty girls, hot girls and I most certainly did not fit that bill.

I heard footsteps but I didn't look up until his feet came into my line of sight. "I slowly look up and gasp from his proximity. Still feeling bad about myself I try to step back but he takes my arm and pulls me closer making us collide. "What's wrong?"

I bite my lip and shake my head not wanting to tell him that for a moment, I thought he was checking me out. "Bella, what's wrong?" His voice comes out more demanding this time but there's still a softness I can't describe.

"Just give me my bag Tyler." I force out. He sighs, walks to his closet and brings it out. Just when I think he's gonna give it to me he says "tell me what's wrong or you don't get this back and seeing as you're in your towel in my room, I'd assume you want this pretty damn bad. Start talking."

"Tyler, it's nothing." "Bella," he says it with a tone of finality. "Foramomentithoughtyouwerecheckingmeoutandiknowyouweren't. Now give me my bag." I rush out the words like if I don't I'll never say them.

Probably because I won't

"But I was." He says it so casually I look at him in shock. "W-what?" "I was checking you out, I mean seriously Bella have you seen you? You're fucking beautiful." I scoff bitterly, "beautiful girls don't have scars and scratches and cuts. They have flawless skin and don't need makeup. Trust me, I'm far from beautiful."

I make an attempt to grab my bag but he drops it and picks me to the wall holding down both of my hands. He puts his leg in between mine keeping me in place.

"Don't say that." He growls "But it's true." "No, it's not." He looks so angry as he says this "how could you ever think for one fucking second that you're not beautiful. Bella, have you seen yourself? You are the most beautiful girl I fucking know! I don't care if you have bruises or scars, everyone has them. Some are on the inside, others on the outside but Bella, whether or not yours are on the inside or outside doesn't change anything. You're still the most fucking gorgeous girl I've ever laid my eyes on and you have to realize that. Please tell me you do." I bite my lower lip and look down, I wish I could agree but I can't. I can't ever wear the clothes I want because I have way too many bruises and scars. I can't go to the beach because of that full exposure, I can't ever do those things.

I shake my head "no, that's not true." I push him away ignoring the searing pain I feel, I can't ever do what I want because the pain is never-ending. I pace around the room, the pain was long forgotten as I shake my head "no, you don't mean that. Tyler look at me! Look at me! I have a busted lip, bruised eye, a cut on my forehead and that's just the face, what about my arms or legs or anywhere else?!" I yell at him.

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