Chapter 13 | What a day

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Chapter 13 | What a day

"How long?" He asked and my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion

"How long what?"

"How long have you had anxiety for?"

To say I was shocked was an understatement "How did you know I had anxiety?" I asked "because I have it, why didn't you tell us? We had to find out about this by some guy trying to get his way with you?" His voice raising slightly "I didn't think it was important to tell you" I replied and put my head down.

"Wait, the others know?" I asked suddenly and he nodded "yea they do, we walked in and we saw you against the wall having an attack, Dylan told me to come to you since I have it so it'd be easier to get you to stop."

"Oh" "P" I gave him a look "I didn't want to tell you guys 'cause I thought you'd think I'm weak and if Bianca knew she'd have a field day besides I didn't even think you'd care and Tyler would be all rude just 'cause of that. Look I'm sorry okay?"

"Weak? Bella having anxiety and still dealing with Bianca and Tyler, even your father is exactly why you're so strong. And you honestly think Tyler wouldn't care? Did you not see him pummel the guy?" "Wait, you know about my dad?" "Uh duh, I'm not dumb y'know" I gave him a look "okay I'm not always dumb." I smiled

"And Tyler only beat up that guy 'cause he likes to fight." Ethan gave me a dumbfounded look "are you serious? When you left he and Bianca were talking and he was yelling at her for coming after you then she whispered in his ear, I'd never seen him run so fast. We followed him which is where we saw you so if you think he doesn't care, think again."

I just kept silent. I didn't know what to think.

Does Tyler care about me?

"But he's always so cold and distant and mysterious and it doesn't make any sense."

Wait a minute.

"Bianca whispered in his ear then he ran to the room I was in?! That evil witch knew that guy was gonna do that!?" "Calm down, Tyler dealt with her." "Why did he do that?" Ethan looked at me again with the same dumbfounded expression "and I thought I was the one who was stupid" he muttered and I rolled my eyes. "He's the one that came after you the day Bianca outed you, he just pummeled a guy, look, I know he may not be the most readable and friendly person but he really does care about you and he's had it rough, and he's typically really cold to people he just meets but he's warming up to you."

"You know a lot about him huh?" He smiled faintly "yea, we've been friends for years. I don't blame you for thinking that we'd think you were weak since you have anxiety. I thought the same thing too before I told the guys and all they did was shrug and say it's all cool."

"How did you and the guys meet?" A small smile made his way to his lips "well believe it or not I used to be bullied, it's actually how I got my anxiety in the first place."

He was what?!

"You were what?! You? Bullied? How?!" "You know how dumb and crazy I am and people didn't like that, one time in the fourth grade, some older guys cornered me and started taunting me, I didn't do anything, instead I had an attack, Tyler saw me and helped me out."

"Wow" I breathed out. "How about Dylan?" He stiffened at my question which fed my curiosity more "that's not my story to tell and besides, someone wants to talk to you." I looked outside and saw Daniel awkwardly standing there with his head down and his hands in his pockets, kicking a rock.

"Catch you later Izzy," Ethan said before he got out and walked away. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror before getting out.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully "hi" Daniel replied uneasily. "I just wanted to see if you were okay, you said you were leaving then Ethan ran after you and yeah..." he trailed off "thanks but yeah I'm okay."

I was, after actually being ra-...after actually going through that several times it almost happening had little effect on me.

"Earlier on you told me you wanted to tell me something, what was it?" I asked suddenly remembering

"Oh don't worry about it."

"No, tell me I wanna know!!"

"It's not important especially now after what happened"

"Tell me"


"Tell me!!"


"Tell m-"

"I was gonna ask if you'll be my girlfriend there. I said it!"

"See was that so hard?"

"Yes very. So? Will you?"

I smiled, a genuine smile

"Of course!"

This time he smiled and he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead before I left.


I was laying in bed thinking of everything that had happened but one thing stuck out to me like a sore thumb

"Don't go to the party." Rachel said and I slammed my locker shut and turned around to face her "and why not? Last I checked I'm free to do whatever I want." "If you go, you'll regret it, trust me."

She warned me, the question is why? Isn't she supposed to hate me? Ugh, this is all so messed up first I find out that Tyler cares about me, Bianca hates me enough to tell a guy to try to get his way with me, Ethan had anxiety and used to be bullied and not to mention that weird way he deflected when I asked him about how he met Tyler, what was up with that? It's too late for this. I'm just gonna sleep.

I turned off my lamp and closed my eyes in hope of getting some rest.

What a day.

Sorry for the wait guys! But here it is! Kinda a shorter chapter and the next two or three maybe around the same length but they'll get longer again.

You just found out more about Ethan's past, what do you think about the information??

Teenager post #005: That awkward moment when you finish watching a TV series and you don't know what to do with your life anymore.

I felt that way when I finished TVD

I hope you enjoyed it!

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Stay safe!


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