Chapter 10 | Panic! At the cafeteria (2/2)

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Chapter 10 | Panic! At the cafeteria (2/2)

"Never have I seen such childish and incompetent behaviour from anyone in my entire life. Such impudence! The teachers are hosting an event here at the school on Saturday. You will clean the entire school on Friday after school and the cafeteria on Sunday after the event is understood?"

I looked down at my bouncing leg. Stupid anxiety!

"Principal Rudd, it's her fault!! I was just walking when she purposefully dumped her milkshake all over me and when I asked her very kindly for an apology she just laughed and threw more at me then called for a food fight!" She was crying-fake crying.

This bi- "Oh that's bullshit if it wasn't for you and your vendetta against me none of this would've happened!!"

"My vendetta?! You've been mean to me ever since you got here, how is this my fault?!" "I love how you skillfully left out that I'm covered in food by none other than you," I said and crossed my arms.

Principal Rudd put her hand up to silence us. "Goodbye."


The girls and I were all in the change rooms changing into our PE uniforms since our other clothes were messy. "I can't believe I have another detention!!" I groaned loudly. "Tell me about it, I was going for a no breaking of rules year and dumb, dumber and dumbest had to mess it up," Alison said.

"Did you see the way Tyler was holding you though!?" Tessa squealed. I rolled my eyes, "don't even start with that." I said as I pulled the shirt over me quickly before they could see anything. "You guys would be a cute couple" I groaned "not you too Ali c'mon and besides, we'd kill each other before that ever happened and even if we didn't it would still never happen."

The girls shared a look and I narrowed my eyes "what's that, that right there what's that?" I asked and we all looked at each other before we broke out into laughter.


I parked in the driveway and got out. I walked in and heard laughter, my heart rate hot up. I tried to sneak up to my room but the stupid floorboard creaked.


"Girl!! I'm in here now!!" I sighed and said a silent prayer before I walked to the living room. there, I saw my father, Alex and Oliver sitting down with beers in hand. My father stood up. "What's this I hear about detention? Didn't I warn you about this?" I nod and start trembling as I see Alex and Oliver unbuckling their pants. I squeeze my eyes shut. "So what did you get detention for eh?" I knew what he was doing, he was teasing me, making me anticipate when the hit was gonna come. I simply shake my head "answer me, you stupid girl!" Then it comes. He smashes his beer bottle across my head and I fall and touch my head and see blood on my hands.

"Have fun with her boys, holler if you need me." He slurs. Once he leaves they both turn to me with a smirk. This wasn't the first, second or even third time this was happening but I still begged. "Please don't." Alex pulled me to stand by my black hair and pushed me against the wall. I saw Oliver holding a cond*m.

Oh for f**k's sake.


I was currently leaning against my bedroom door balling my eyes out. I felt dirty and violated that they, they, oh God! I stood up and puked. No, I'm not pregnant, how do I know because this was a normal thing after they...I'd take a test, feel sick, puke then shower and take sleeping pills because Lord knows I won't be able to sleep without them.

After scrubbing myself from head to toe, I lie in my bed and stare at the ceiling. Tears were streaming down my face. I close my eyes but each time I get to the point of dozing off I'm jolted awake by a sudden image of...what happened.

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