Chapter 35 | I get it now

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A black and green, beautifully built Kawasaki Ninja H2R with 326 horsepower and a sound so delightful it makes straight men moan.

He crashed it, totaled it, and now he's unconscious in a hospital bed.

I burst out of the car and ran inside, straight to the receptionist. "Tyler McAdams was admitted here earlier tonight. Where is he?" I asked the lady who looked at me wearily, "Ma'am he's only seeing family right now I-" I left and headed towards the elevators while calling Ali. "Fifth floor, room 5503." I hung up immediately and pressed the button, ignoring the competitor behind me.

Once I reached the floor, I ran through the hallway until I found them sitting outside his door. Rosalie and Henry, Dylan's parents, were busy talking to the doctor, and I looked at the others. Tessa was holding Ethan's hands, but from his bouncing leg, the anxiety was letting up. Dylan was leaning against the wall and staring down with a frown, and Alison was pacing back and forth. "Can someone tell me he's okay before I actually lose my sh*t?" 

Fourteen pairs of eyes met mine, and unlike quivering with fear, I stood taller. "Someone speak!" I yelled, and Rosalie rushed to my side and hugged me. "Thank you for coming." She looked at the doctor and nodded. "Tyler is unusually lucky. His helmet took the brunt of it, but the impact still knocked him out. He doesn't have a head or brain injury, but he will be in a cast for a few weeks. He also has a sprained ankle, but besides that, he's okay. He should be up anytime from now on."

I let out a breath of relief and held the wall. "Can we see him?" Ethan's voice was shaky, and I hated it. His playfulness was replaced by fear and anxiety, and suddenly anger surged through me. 

"I'll be back." 

I marched downstairs and outside to my car, frantically scrolling through until I found his number. "hello?" "He's an idiot! a big, stupid, fat idiot." The rustling of sheets could be heard, but that didn't deter me. "Woah, June, slow down. What happened?" "Tyler happened! That stupid fucker got himself into an accident. What if he had died? What if I never got the chance to..." My voice trailed off, and my voice became ragged. The family burst into my throat and lungs, and my vision turned spooky. "Tell me where you are; I'm coming."


Like the maniac he is, Pat pulled haphazardly into the parking lot and spotted me at last. "Come here." He pulled me in, and I broke down at the thought of losing Tyler the same way I lost my mom: "I can't do this, Pat; it's too hard. I let people close, and they leave me."  "June, look at me; I'm here; I've always been here, and I'll always be here," I said nothing as I fisted his shirt and sobbed. 

My mom left me.

My dad left me.

My brother left me.

Now Ty might leave me too.

It's all my fault. I should have sat there, I should have been there, I should've—the sound of a phone blaring pulled me from my thoughts. I shakily let go of Patrick and reached for my phone. "He's up; he's asking for you." It was Dylan; the relief in his voice was unmissable. "I'll be there in a sec." I hung up and looked at Pat, who gave me a small nod. "Go, I'll still be here, June."

I run back, ignoring the aches in my body. The receptionist doesn't bother looking at me as I run to the elevator and to the fifth floor. By the time I get there, I see the group coming out of Tyler's room. "How is he?" I ask them nervously. Henry isn't there anymore, and Rosalie says, "Why don't you see for yourself?" I nod slowly and shakily open the door, horrified by what I see. 

"What are you doing standing up? Sit down!" I shriek and rush over to him, touching his forehead and assessing the damage. "Ella, don't worry, I'm fine." "Fine, my ass, you were in an accident Ty, it's a wonder you survived. What were you thinking? Drinking and riding—are you out of your goddamn mind?! Do you have any idea what would have happened if you had been seriously injured or, worse, killed? Seriously, it's like, " I couldn't finish my sentence because he pulled me in with his left hand, his right resting in a sling, and he kissed me. 

My thoughts evaporated as I stared at the man before me. "I'm fine." "Good, because I'm not Ty; do you know how scared I was? I thought..." My voice trailed off. "Ella, have you not learned anything? You're stuck with me."

I get it now. I do. That feeling in my chest whenever I saw him, or the bad ache I felt when I didn't. The flutter in my chest when he laughed and the pain when he cried. I didn't get what everyone was saying. Tyer and I, well, I suppose we've always had chemistry, but this time, it was more than that. I like him; no, I love him. And I'm terrified.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone; I should've stayed." He shook his head, silencing me. "I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'm sorry I scared you." 

He moved to the bed, looked at me, and patted beside him.

"My mom died when I was eight; my sister raised me, but sh*t hit the fan when I turned thirteen." I gently placed my hand on his; whatever he was about to share was heartbreaking, and I'm not sure what will come of it.


A short chapter today; more coming soon!

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- Thingimajiga

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