Chapter 36 | My Story

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"My mom died when I was eight; my sister raised me, but sh*t hit the fan when I turned thirteen." I gently placed my hand on his; whatever he was about to share was heartbreaking, and I'm not sure what will come of it.

Tyler's POV

"Get the f*ck out of my house, you idiot!" I landed with a thud, and my sister ran to me. "Don't yell at him like that!" I spat out blood and wiped my mouth. "Soph, it's fine, go inside; he'll cool down." I whispered gently. She was still in her waitress uniform, and her blonde hair was messy from the excessive pulling. I was used to this; he always picked on me. 

After all, I'm the reason she overdosed. 

I stood up and took my torn-up school bag. Another night in the janitor's closet didn't sound half as bad as staying here tonight. Soph, with much reluctance, let me go. He looked at me and said, "I'm going to get us out of here, Ty. You hear me?" I exchanged a small smile and said, "Loud and clear, Soph."

We sat on the bed, and her beautiful brown eyes peered into mine with so much concentration that I could've bet then and there she could see my soul. "We didn't have much growing up, but we were happy, you know? My dad worked as a mechanic and my mom was a cashier; we made enough to make ends meet, but even so, they'd work hard enough to take us on vacation."

I looked at her, and she stared at me with her utmost attention. I chuckled; she almost looked like a dog on guard, ears up, full rigid body, adorable. 

"My dad lost his job when I was seven; Soph was twelve then. It got really bad, and he turned to drinking. My mom got hooked on drugs, and suddenly we were surviving off the little they had saved. Soph, she started looking for jobs, but...who's going to hire a twelve-year-old, you know? A year later, I come home from school and find my mom lying on the floor; she overdosed."

A soft gasp stops me, and I look at her glossy eyes. I pull her closer until she's resting on my chest and play with her hair.

"My father got worse, started rampaging about, getting all hot and bothered, but he never targeted Soph, only me. Maybe because I'm the one who called and told him our mother was dead, who knows? Anyway, at thirteen, I was used to it. Kids wouldn't come near me, teachers labelled me a lost cause; and I basically spent every other night in the cafeteria or janitor's closet. One time, i was walking around school, and about two hours after it ended, I heard some shouting in the field. I go there and see these kids ganging up on Ethan. I fought them off, I hated bullies, and I lived with one; I didn't see why someone else should suffer too."

"Hey puke boy, I'm talking to you." I stopped in my tracks and listened to the faint sound of sneering and insults. "I said you guys are idiots, big ones." there was a grunt and i angrily opened the door leading to the fields out back. "Don't you dimwits have anything better to do than pester a kid?" They were seniors, I could tell, but i didn't care; I've had enough. "Brought some back-up anxiety, boy? Pathetic. Get him." Before he could reach for me, I grabbed a rock. "Who wants to die early?" They ran away. "Thanks, man, I'm Ethan, and you?" I looked at his outstretched hand and wide grin. "Tyler."

"I met Dylan later on. I didn't know his deal, and my relationship with him was more complicated. He was the new kid, and he was rich; he made me feel inferior."

"Alright everyone, get into pairs; not you, Tyler, come see me." I stood up with a sigh and walked to her desk with a bored face. There was a boy there; one glance at him, and I knew he was a prep kid. "Tyler, this is Dylan; he just transferred here. Seeing as you have no partner...I've decided that now will be a good time to make new friends. I'll leave you boys to it." Dylan and I exchanged glances, and I jerked my head to my seat. "You caught up yet?" I said as I sat down. "Yeah, man, so how do you want to do this?" I shrugged and took out a pencil, "you got any friends yet?" "Nah man." "You can hang with me and my friend if you want." "Yeah, cool, thanks, dude." 

"See with Ethan; he didn't question why I slept in school or skipped meals, but he helped. At first, I wasn't receptive. He'd come with two tupperware bowls and tell me how his mom tried something new and wanted my opinion. I picked it up early on, but with Dylan, he knew instantly, and I hated it because he's rich; I felt like some charity case."

I dove into the classroom as the teacher passed and waited until the faint footsteps disappeared before sneaking off to the canteen. I opened the large freezer and looked at the mac and cheese. Perfect. Taking it out, I got myself a plate and heated it up before sitting on the counter. "So this is when you eat." I looked up and saw Dylan perched by the door. "I was wondering why I never see you eat, or if I did, it was because Ethan's mom tried a new recipe."

I put the plate down and looked at him. "It's none of your business, man. Let it go." He stood up and walked to me. "Let me help." I shook my head. "I'm not some charity case for you to help out." I walked away.

"Things got awkward after that. Every time I saw him, I got annoyed. when he paid for my food when we hung out or when we gamed at his place, and his parents were nice—too nice. I wasn't used to it, so I rejected it. Lashed out, stopped hanging with them, and even insulted his parents. I was rude...until one day."

I went flying and crashed on the glass table, shattering it. I don't even know how he managed to throw me like that. "Dad, stop, please!" Sophia was crying and was being held back by some friends my father made. "Please!" She was screaming and fighting, but I couldn't help. I couldn't stand, and I couldn't walk. A kick to my gut had me coughing up blood. my ears were ringing and i couldn't feel anything. God i hate this."

"You think you're smart, huh?" Another blow. Next thing I know, I'm on the pavement, with a dog barking somewhere and Sophia screaming from the house. "You shut up!" he yelled at her. I hated it. "Stop hitting him!" He shut her up; she falls down, and she's out cold. Now I'm running, walking, limping—I don't know—but I'm barely moving. God, I hate this so much."

How did I get here? This isn't the hospital or police; I can't get any help. "Ty?" The voice is Ethan. My shirt is not white anymore; it's red, brown, and black. My feet can't move; I think I'm dying. There's a grunt and a shout, and suddenly more faces appear. I can barely see them; my eyes cannot feel them. It goes dark.

"Dylan's parents helped convict my father. He's in jail; that's why I live with them. Sophia got into an accident on her way to work one day. She fell unconscious and hasn't woken up. She's here; you'll meet her soon, but that's my story." 

I look at her, tears free falling and shallow breaths. She was speechless, but then she was not. She kisses me, and her kiss says everything. I'm here for you; its not your fault. I am so sorry. I feel your pain. It's all there—in the kiss, in her face—and suddenly, my problems don't seem so big anymore.


Books is 85% done y'all!

Stay safe!

- Thingimajiga

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