Information Session

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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to figure out a few stuff, as you know I am working on the rewrite of UC and I wanted to know some scenes or chapters and possibly characters you all liked and would like to see in the rewrite.

Also, so far the rewrite does have a lot of changes compared to this book and I wanted to know whether you wanted the edits to happen in the same book or if I should make it a second book on its own. I did mention that the second version was going to have added and deleted scenes so please let me know what you all think.

Thirdly, the rewrite will come out when this book is done and I'm splitting my time between that version and this one so I can get it finished. My goal is to have it completed by the end of this one so I can immediately start posting them in a timely manner.

Numero four, how are you all enjoying the book? Would you like anything changed? What do you think? Please let me know.

Would you like a behind the scenes with the characters and myself chapter? You could talk with all of us one on one. If so, please let me know any questions you have for any of us.

That's it for now, please comment so I can know, I want to make this the most enjoyable book as possible so even my silent readers of you want to or can please please please comment and let me know.


Thingimajiga xoxo

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