01: Journal Entry #1

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Journal Entry #1

Thursday, September 3rd

2 days since

I can't believe it's been two days. God, it's been the worst couple days of my life. Each day I wake up and look for you in my arms, your hair sprawled out like a halo, the scent of your lavender body wash tainting our pillows. I can still smell you when I wake up to empty arms. It's like the universe is playing some sick joke on me, taunting me, making me feel like your still here. I miss you sweetheart, so fucking much. This doesn't feel real. I'm having a hard time even functioning. I keep checking my phone, waiting for your number to appear, for you to call me to tell me you want me to pick you up some chocolate ice cream. But you haven't called. Every time the door opens, my heart fills with hope, hoping that you'll walk through the door and tell me all about your hectic day. And I'll hug you like I always do, placing a kiss on the top of your forehead, rubbing your back to calm you down. But you haven't walked through our door. I haven't accepted you aren't here. I keep hoping you'll come back. But you aren't coming back. Dammit you aren't coming back. How am I supposed to go on without you? How sweetheart? You should be here. You should be here with me, laying on the couch watching your stupid romantic comedies you love. I can't do this. I can't survive you. I need you sweetheart, please, come back.

Forever yours, alex

Surviving YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz