05: Journal Entry #3

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Journal Entry #3

October 1st

one month since

One full month. Wow. It's been both the longest and shortest month of my life. I can't explain it. Time doesn't make sense since you left. Our friends came over today. It was weird seeing everyone in our apartment without you. It didn't feel complete without you there. Nate, Julia and Raven helped to clean up around here. I know how much you liked keeping the apartment clean but if I'm being honest, I haven't been able to function properly since you left. I haven't left bed since the funeral. I haven't seen our friends since the funeral. I missed them. But not as much as I missed you. Everyone was so cautious around me today. Afraid they'll say the wrong thing and set me off. Except Eric of course. I'm so thankful for him. He treated me like normal. Like I wasn't something so fragile, so broken. He cracked a joke I think you would've really liked, "why is Peter Pan always flying?", this is the part where you ask me why, and the punchline is "cause he neverlands". You always thought Peter Pan was attractive, for whatever reason so it made me think of you. And I didn't cry. I think that's some progress Ally, right? I wish you could've heard the joke coming from Eric. He always does it better than I ever could. He misses you. I can tell under his smile and puns that he's just as broken inside as all of us are. One month. It's been one month and I don't think anything will ever get better, or easier. How can it when you aren't there to make it better? I love you sweetheart. I like to think you're not really gone, just off to neverland where you'll stay young forever. And I'll come join you soon enough my love, don't you worry.

Forever yours, alex

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