11: Journal Entry #6

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Journal Entry #6

December 25th

3 months since

Christmas was today. It sucked. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I've been doing okay since thanksgiving but today was awful. The overwhelming sadness of today really hit hard. God Ally, I miss you so much sweetheart. Christmas was your favourite holiday and it's not fair that you aren't here to celebrate it. Why did you leave Ally? You promised you wouldn't leave me. Why did you break your promise? I can't do this anymore. I've been pretending like I'm okay but I'm not. I'm not okay. Nothing about my life is okay. You aren't here. You will never be here again. You're never coming back. I'm never going to get to hold you again, kiss you again, love you again, listen to your infectious laugh, dance at midnight in the kitchen, sing to your favourite songs while driving. It's never going to happen, never. I hate that word. Never. It's taken you away from me. It's a cold, harsh reality that I don't want to deal with. Why did this happen to us, Ally? Why us? What did we do to deserve this? You didn't deserve this Ally. You deserve to be here. I'd give anything to switch places with you. I'd die a thousand times over if that meant you'd be able to be here, alive. God, I fucking miss you. And your goddamn beautiful brown eyes. And your hair. And that smile. God, your smile makes my heart flutter. I haven't been able to look at pictures of us. It's too painful. Maybe someday I'll be able to look at them again. But for now I'll save them for another time. I'll see you in another life my love. Merry Christmas.

Forever yours, alex

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