The End

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That's it. That's the story.

Thank you for everyone who has read this far! I truly love all of you!

When I first started this short story, I was in a really dark headspace and I needed an outlet. Like Alex, I tend to have a hard time expressing my emotions so I poured all of my emotions into this short story.

I love how I keep calling this story a short story but now it's like two hours long lol! Hopefully that still kinda counts as a short story because of the way it's written, maybe? I don't know. Let me know if I should stop calling it a short story haha.

I hope you all enjoyed this story. Thank you so much for supporting the story and supporting me. I truly appreciate every read, every vote and every comment.

I'm coming out with more stories this year! I hope to finish writing a story by this summer which will be the first in a series of stories I write!

This story means a lot to me so I'm glad you all loved it.


Laura Sea

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