15: Journal Entry #8

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Journal Entry #8

May 21st

8 months since

Happy Birthday Ally. You would've been 22 today. I just know that if you were here right now you'd be listening to Taylor Swift's song 22. Our friends and I went to your grave today. We sang happy birthday and gave you more flowers. I can't believe it's already been 8 months. I hope, wherever you are, you are doing well. Because to tell you honestly, I'm not. You'd think after 8 months I would've accepted the fact that you aren't coming back. But I haven't. I still see you in my dreams, except they're more like memories now. I'm dreaming of our memories we made while we were together. Our friends are doing well, Nate and Raven are still going strong. I'm sure they're endgame, like you said they would be. Julia broke up with Sam, Eric has been super helpful towards Julia, constantly checking up on her. And then there's me. Just boring old me. Nothing new. Schools ending soon. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Usually I love the summer, a break from school is always needed but I'm afraid without the distraction of school, I won't make it through the summer. I called your parents the other day. It was nice hearing from them. They're concerned about me and I feel guilty that they have to feel that way. I don't mean for them to be concerned. I know eventually I'll be fine. That's what everyone says, but I just need to go through the motions of grieving. I wish I could give you your birthday kisses. I still miss you, sweetheart. The only thing that makes it better is knowing that you are in a good place now. You're no longer in pain, you can be happy and free wherever it is you are. I hope you're celebrating your birthday with a big bag of goldfish crackers and a juice box. You better save me some crackers for when we meet again. This isn't forever Ally. I will see you again. And when I do, you best believe I am giving you the biggest bear hug and never letting go. Have a great day sweetheart. I love you more than life itself.

Forever yours, alex

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