Girl Meets Decisions

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There was silence on the other side of the phone, I couldn't even hear him breathing but then he coughed and I heard shuffling.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Yes, I'm here, um I'm in Manhattan for a week, can we meet and talk?" I paused but then remembered that Katy was the one that left him.

"Did you know where I lived?".

"No, your mother moved every time I found her, and I didn't want you to always be moved around so I stopped but she contacted me when she took you to the hospital for money since then she asked me for money every week" I sighed "I'll make a reservation at ***** for 4:30, we can meet there if you want".

"Okay I'll see you there" I hung up and then decided to head over to the restaurant as it was a 10-minute walk, I leaned against the wall when I arrived, keeping an eye on the incoming customers.

"Everest?" I froze before turning to face the familiar voice.

"Everest?" I froze before turning to face the familiar voice

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A small smile graced his lips as he stepped closer to me. I watched familiar steel-grey eyes roam my being as mine did the same then my eyes land on the teenager with him.

"This is my eldest daughter Jade, your sister" she looked at me silently and I did the same "Let's go in" I followed behind them and we soon sat at a table in the back giving us privacy from everyone else present

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"This is my eldest daughter Jade, your sister" she looked at me silently and I did the same "Let's go in" I followed behind them and we soon sat at a table in the back giving us privacy from everyone else present. We sat in silence as I studied the man that was my father, during my short observation I found we have a few similarities, like the fact that we shift our utensils so the bottoms are in line and that we play with things when our mind is busy. He played with the watch on his wrist while I twirled my ring on my thumb, a waiter came and broke the heavy silence, we ordered, and then I turned my attention to the girl who had been staring at me the entire time we were here.

"If you have something you want to say, say it," I told her, she smirked and crossed her arms.

"You're my dad's other daughter, I didn't think I'd meet you".

"Jade" my father scowled.

"Things happened" I still answered.

"What do you want? Money? Because from what I hear your mother is been getting lots of that" it was my turn to smirk and snort.


"That's weak" she frowned at my response and my father's eyes widened, he looked between the both of us "Your attempt at scaring me or intimidating me is as pathetic as Katy thinking she would get an acting role".

"Katy? Isn't she your mother?" I scoffed.

"She was never my mother, she was only my younger sister's when she needed her" I sneered "You think this tough girl act will work against me? This is just a phase for you but this is my persona" I leaned forward "You're all bark no bite".

"You grew up without a mother" I heard James' voice cut in and I turned to him "Katy is still pursuing a career in the arts?" I gave a fake laugh.

"I grew up without a lot of things" I clarified "She works as a waitress, can barely afford to keep food in the house, and only cares about the daughter of the man who left her so where does that leave me?".

"You called me and told me you needed a favor" he clasped his hands together business-like, another trait we have in common "What is it?".

"Gain custody over me so that I don't have to stay with her anymore, I need a fresh start anywhere I can get it" he rubs his chin.

"What do you think Jade since this affects you also?".

"You are trying to get away from your mother and sister, only to get an older one" my eyes looked into hers "We have a similar attitude and you held your ground against me that makes me like you so I don't have a problem with it".

"I rather have an older sister with who I share a few traits than an ignorant younger sister who wants nothing to do with me" we share a smile "And I can say the feeling is mutual".

"I will get my lawyers on it immediately then" he left and our order came, I ate along with Jade.

"When dad gets custody of you we will move to L.A., do you think you'll be able to leave everyone here? No hesitation?"

"I lost whatever emotion and attachment I had left in me for this place when I decided to call dad" I answered. Dad came and our attention went to him, he told us that he got custody and everything but they wanted my statements to solidify the reason. The perks of being rich I suppose. The only thing he needs is my transcript which he needs to accompany me to school so I could get all my teacher's signatures but I knew Mr. Matthews would be a problem and I told them that "It's not that he won't sign but he'll call Katy and Topanga, his lawyer wife".

"Are you scared they'll get you to stay?" my lips twitched at what he asked.

"I'll let you know something about me, I am not scared of anything if you don't believe me then test it yourself, and lastly no one can get me to do something I don't want to do".

"What happened to your hair?" Dad asked.

"Of course, she didn't tell you, I have a rare albinism, it started with white streaks but then half of my hair turned white and my eyes were grey but then it had a pinkish tint to it now it is blueish purple".

"You got that from my side of the family, my father had it but I didn't and neither did Jade" conversation flowed freely from then on.

I spent the night in an empty room in the hotel they were staying in because I didn't want to go home and Dad wanted to see if Katy would call the police and inform them that I had gone missing because he still held an ounce of faith in her and if not we get additional evidence against her. The next morning after breakfast we head to the school, the students parted as they saw me and we made our way to the principal's office, he tried to long talk to us but I cut it short and we got the transcript and transfer papers. Most of my teachers were happy to sign because they could finally be rid of me, a few didn't even know who I was and just signed so they could continue their classes, all too soon we stood in front of the history class. I entered and everyone's gaze turns to me then behind me where I was sure dad and Jade stood.

"Hello, Miss. Hart, welcome back to class and who are these people?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"Wrong deduction Sir" I mocked then laid the papers on his desk "Sign these" he frowned but glanced at the papers.

"Everest, these are the transcript and transfer papers" he stated and I heard the gasps run throughout the class.

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