Two Girls and a Moose Part 1

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(Everest's Outfit)
Tinkle-Aid. Not a fan of the name but what can you do? Robbie, Beck, and Andre are doing a fundraiser to get money to build another male bathroom and Andre asked for Jewels to make an appearance to draw in more people, ever since our debut people have been calling Jean, our manager, to book us for numerous occasions but we made sure to prioritize school and school events. Anyway, while Jewels were set as the main performance by the guys, Andre and Robbie with the assistance of Cat were also preparing performances on the night of the fundraiser. But back to the matter at hand, I stared at the group as they debated on either sushi or hamburgers to eat, in the end, they decided on sushi. As we were heading out when Beck arrived.

"Oh, hey" he greeted coming to a stop in front of me.

"You wanna come to Nozu with us?" Cat asked with a smile.

"Oh, I can't" I stepped away from him opting to stand beside Jay "My friend Moose just got here from Canada" Jade laughed.

"You have a friend named Moose?" she asked bemused.

"Yeah... I haven't seen him since Feeferdoon".

"What's Feeferdoon?" Cat inquired with furrowed brows.

"It's Canadian for kindergarten" I spoke instinctively causing everyone to turn to me but Beck's gaze held more depth, because of our relationship I made it my mission to know all about Canada and its culture because he would sometimes call things by their Canadian name "Can we just go? Burger or sushi, it doesn't matter I just don't want to be here".

"Oh, here he comes" we turned to see a well-built guy only a couple of centimeters taller than Beck "Guys, this is my friend Moose" Cat got flustered and I saw Vega making her way towards us.

"Hey guys, do wanna come to my house and hang out?" she asked then her eyes landed on Moose "Well hello" Moose gave her a small smile before turning to Beck.

"I'm getting kind of hungry, want to get a burger?" he questioned.

"Ooh, a burger sounds great, we can go to Karaoke-Dokie" Cat shouted before grabbing the confused boy and dragging him out the door.

"That's not fair, I can't go" Vega whined.

"That's too bad" Jay and I synced as we walked out of the school. Jade and I sat around a table with Robbie and Andre while Cat, Moose, and Beck shared another, the redhead had her arms wrapped around Moose's biceps.

"So Saturday at the show, Everest and Jade are gonna sing a new song?" Robbie asked.

"Mm-hum, I cannot tell you guys how grateful I am that you are doing this for us" Andre smiled at me and my sister.

"It's no problem Andre, you would do the same," I told him "Plus it means more publicity for us which Jacob loves".

"You're a fan of The Scissoring? What a coincidence so is Jade and Everest" I heard Cat say drawing our attention to their table.

"It's our favorite movie" my sister and I synced.

"Are you guys twins?" Moose asked.

"No, we just speak at the same time sometimes" we spoke again.

"That's cool, I want to find the house they did the filming in".

"I know exactly where that house is, Eve took me there for my birthday, she rented it out and had actors recreate my favorite scene in the movie" Jay stated with a smile in my direction.

"That's awesome, so do anyone of you have a boyfriend?" I saw Jay's eyes glimmer with mischief.

"I'm taken but Eve here is as single as a bird" the Canadian boy's eyes landed on me and he smiled.

"I can't imagine why you're gorgeous".

"Waiter! My friend Moose wants a hamburger right now!" Beck signaled to a waitress.

"I'm single too" I heard Cat say.



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(Everest's Outfit)

Jade and I walked to our lockers when we saw Cat and Vega on the arm of Moose, Jay scoffed and I was confused as to what was happening.

"Hey Everest" Moose detangled himself from the two girls and stood in front of me "Jade" she waved at him "I got you these" he handed me a bouquet of white orchids.

"Why?" I asked with furrowed brows but took the bouquet.

"I just wanted to give a beautiful girl some beautiful flowers" he gave a smile and I thanked him before heading to my locker, walking past Beck and Andre.

"Lookie what I got" Vega held up some tickets in front of Moose.

"Tickets to tonight's Kings game?".


"Okay, she is not an LA Kings fan, she's faking" Cat interjects.

"Well, I am not faking, I love hockey and I've been a Kings fan ever since they picked Anze Kopitar, in the first round of the 2005 NHL draft" Vega recited what she probably got from off the internet. It then turned into a competition for who could get Moose's attention.

"Wait aren't you like grounded" Moose turned to Vega whose eyes widened as that piece of information registered in her head "If you can't use the tickets can I get them" he smiled at her and she silently handed him the tickets "Thanks" he then looked around until his gaze landed on Jay and I "Hey Everest, you want to go to the game with me?".

"She can't!" a voice yelled and our attention went to Beck.

"Why not?".

"Yeah Beck, why can't my single and available sister go to the game with Moose?" Jay questioned with a smirk, Beck went into a stuttering mess.

"Sorry Moose, any other time probably but Jewels has to practice for the fundraiser coming up" I replied.

"You're Jewels, oh my god" he grinned widely, this guy likes to smile a lot "I can't believe I didn't notice, I love your songs".

"Thanks but we need to head to class" I lifted the flowers he gave me "Thanks again for the flowers".

"Maybe before I leave we can hang out, you know get to know each other" I shrugged.

"Sure Moose" Jade and I left when she laughed "What's so funny?".

"Nothing I just saw something hilarious" and she laughed again.

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