Girl Meets Home for the Holidays Part 2

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(Jade's outfit)

Everest's POV

A small boy ran to Josh after everyone went back to their own devices, Josh sat him on his lap and smiled at him.

"Hey Auggie," he said, the boy looked at us then leaned over to Josh's ear.

"Is she your special person?" we heard him whisper pointing at Jay, Josh laughed but nodded.

"Yeah, guys this is my nephew Auggie" the boy waved "Auggie this is my girlfriend Jade, Everest, and Beck".

"I like you, you're pretty" he smiled at my sister and she returned it "I like you too, you look like an oreo" his eyes widened looking at me "I love oreo" I looked at him amused "You look better than Riley's friend, Lucas" Beck laughed running a hand through his hair "And your hair is amazing".

"Thanks, little dude" Beck replied "You have awesome hair too".

"I think Riley likes Lucas" we laughed.

"Auggie!" my face instantly did a 360 change "Why don't you go help mom" he ran off leaving the pre-teens with us.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Everest?" Maya smiled and I scoffed.

"You met Jay already" she faked smiled at them "And I'm pretty sure you know Joshie here, so I'm guessing you want to meet my boyfriend, Beck" he gave them a 2-finger salute.

"Hi I'm Riley and this is Maya" Riley smiled and went to sit beside him but I stood.

"Back away Matthews" I was naturally taller than them but with my heels added to my height.

"I was just introducing myself" she mumbled.

"No, you were getting too close to my boyfriend" she took a couple of steps back "Look I don't care if you want to introduce yourself but I don't want people I don't like around people I do like".

"Everest you can't be serious" Maya commented and I stared into her eyes.


"You should go, the last person to anger her didn't leave unscattered" they ran off.

"So Everest have you contacted your mother since you left?" Corey asked.

"Why would I contact Katy? That's the whole point of leaving here, to not talk or see any of you again" I informed "Did you not get that?".

"So you didn't miss anyone here?" Topanga questioned, I gave her a deadpanned look "How are you in school? Can you answer that?".

"Top of the class, straight A+ student" Jay answered for me.

"Yeah, my girlfriend is amazingly talented, creative, fierce and so much more that you missed out on," Beck said kissing my cheek.

"As much as I love your outfit, isn't it a bit revealing?" Topanga tried again "And isn't wearing makeup a bit much? If your boyfriend really loves you he should love the natural part of you" I stared at her with cold eyes.

"Topanga, where is your daughter?" I asked and she pointed to Riley sitting behind her at their dining table "Exactly, so you tell her what to and what not to wear because you have no authority over me" her eyes widened "Let me make this clear, I could care less what you want to say to me or about me because you simply don't matter in my books and I do not wear makeup or dress up to impress anyone, I know I'm beautiful, my father tells me that everyday" I spoke as I neared her "So you can stop talking to me like you think I'm some harlot on the street because Beck likes me the way I am".

"I didn't mean it like that Everest, you're taking this way out of context".

"Am I?".

"Look, for your information, Evie here only has on lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a bit of blush" Jay stood beside me and we crossed our arms "It's normal for girls our age to wear makeup".

"I was just concerned-" I cut her off.

"Don't be, you weren't when I lived here so stop trying to be now".

"You can't talk to my mother like that" Riley stood and I faced her.

"Do you want a broken nose on Christmas?" I asked as Josh came forward and wrapped Jay into his arms and Beck did the same to me to keep us in place then Jay's phone rang, and she answered and nodded at me.

"Okay, that's our cue" we stood and walked to the door "Amy, Adam it was lovely meeting you, my father wants to meet both of you and Josh but you are busy at the moment, so I'm stealing Josh for a while" Josh's parents nodded with a smile "If he's not back by the time you need to leave he'll text you where we are, maybe we can have lunch tomorrow".

"That would be great Jade" Amy agreed and we headed to the door.

"I'll meet you guys downstairs," Josh told us.

"Bye Auggie" Jay and I synced before we left.

"Alright, little man, it was nice meeting you" Beck followed behind us.

"Alright, little man, it was nice meeting you" Beck followed behind us

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(Everest and Beck's outfit)

Josh's POV

I turned to smile at my parents, they gave me one in response.

"So what do you think about Jade?" I asked.

"I don't like her" Maya, Riley, Corey, and Topanga stated which I ignored as I only wanted my parent's comments.

"Well, I think" Mom started, "I think she's wonderful, she has her own strength" my smile widened "She's great Josh".

"I like her too, she has your mother's attitude" Dad stated nudging mon who slapped his arm playfully.

"She's protective but she has trust in you," Shawn said "They all do".

"What about my opinion?" Corey spoke, "They hate me and my family".

"I wonder why" was my sarcastic statement, causing him to look at me "Like father like daughter".

"Josh, what are you talking about?"

"All my life it has been about Shawn, Corey, and Topanga" I scoffed "It was either your way or no way at all, Mom and Dad were so focused on you that they almost forgot about me and Eric".

"That's not true".

"Alright tell me, when did I lose my first tooth? Or when I started to ride my bike without the training wheels? Or why was Eric upset when Tommy left?" Corey couldn't answer, even as he knitted his brow in concentration "But I bet you could tell me Shawn's favorite ice cream-".

"Chocolate" without missing a beat he answered.

"Some brother you are, you know nothing about your siblings but can remember that the person who left you likes chocolate ice cream".


"Mom, Dad, I'll be with Jay and the others" I looked at them "Call me when you're ready to leave" they nodded and I left.

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