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(Everest's Outfit)

Everest's POV
I exit Jade's car and instantly see Beck making his way over towards us, ever since we had gotten back together he became clingy, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked into school. Getting my books from my locker was to be an easy task but when you have a self-absorbed girl stalking your every move kind of made the task a bit difficult.

"Are we really going to ignore her?" Jay asked and both Beck and I turned to her.

"Who?" we responded, she sighed at our answer "This is ridiculous, I'm even getting chills, and it's not the good kind".

"I want to take you out?" Beck said diverting the topic.

"Again?" I furrowed my brows at him, this was going to be our fifth date this week, one every day. I had told him he had to work for us to get back to where we were so every day he would buy me lunch, bring me a coffee cup of strawberry milk, and so on "Where are we going?" He only grinned.


We were in class when Cat entered in something, she later explained that it was a Pajelehoocho, they're supposed to be pajamas, jeans, leggings, a hoodie, and a poncho all in one. Not only that but she bought 144 of those ridiculous things for free shipping, I seriously am imagining Cat's future, and if she continues to be this gullible and dense that spells trouble. Later Sikowitz entered and began teaching but got discouraged when everyone kept refusing to participate in his suggestions for the class, he then challenged everyone to say yes for an entire day. I didn't mind the challenge as I was up for anything, the bell rang and Cat was asking if anyone wanted to wear one of her Pajelehoochos but the class rushed out.

"Hey, Andre" Andre jumped as a voice called out to him, we were standing at his locker when a girl walked up to him.

"Oh! Hey, Posey" he answered wearily.

"Can I ask you something?" he groaned "See, I need help writing a song for my creative song-writing class" he interrupted her.

"Well, good luck!" he went to walk away but we watched as the smaller framed girl shoved him into the lockers behind him "You are freakishly strong" Jade, Beck, and I walked away leaving Andre to settle his business only to run into older Vega talking about some TV show she was to be on which is good for her as her 'talent' would be filmed on a TV show no one knows about.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Jade asked us.

"I am taking my girlfriend out on a date" He spoke.

"You know you could ask Eve for anything right and she has to say yes".

"She does that already" they looked at me.

"True, so where are you going?".

"You know I love drag racing, there's a big race tonight, and I am taking Evie" as I was about to speak Vega walked over to us, I could see the twinkle in her eyes as she looked at Beck and knew what she had planned but before she could talk I stepped in front of Beck.

"I'm going off a limb here so correct me if I'm wrong but you were going to use the advantage of Sikowitz's challenge and ask Beck out to which he had to say yes" her mouth fell open in shock confirming what I said "Seems I was right, so here is me taking advantage of the challenge also" I took a step closer to her "I want you to keep a 6-feet distance from me, Beck and Jade, since this challenge only last to the end of the week I also want you to never talk to any of us for the remainder of the week, can you do that?".

"That's not fair-" she started but stopped when she saw Sikowitz walking past "Yes" she gritted and stomped away.


Beck and I found our seats, I held a bucket of popcorn and Beck had our drinks. I turned to my upset boyfriend and sighed.

"Are you going to pout all night?" I questioned and he looked away from me "Beck".

"I knew they were going to stare but I never expected so many of them to" he grumbled. Beck had picked me up at my house and when he saw my outfit was all for it, his eyes kept going to my chest area and his hand was on my tight throughout the drive here but when we arrived, I garnered too much attention from both the male and female population. Beck had wrapped his arm around my waist and glared at any male that looked at me for too long and those who were brave enough to try to approach me, at one point one of the crews for the show came and told me I was on in a few minutes, I had to explain that I wasn't one of the racer girls to which he then asked if I wanted to become one. Beck had declined for me and led me to a booth to get some snacks.

"Those people mean nothing to me" he looked at me then I motioned for his jacket "Here I'll even put on your jacket if it makes you feel better".

"No, I like your outfit and know that you are comfortable in your own skin, I wouldn't want to change that" he sighed "Just let me pout about my girlfriend being so gorgeous and sexy that she's taking that attention from the racers" I kissed his cheek "If you do that often then I might stop pouting sooner" holding his face in the palm of my hands I pressed my lips onto his, he cupped the back of my neck deepening the kiss, pulling away he grinned "Let's continue this later away from prying eyes" looking around I could see eyes on us.

"Yeah" I kissed his cheek once more before he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"I built a race car when I was twelve" Beck told me as we watched the race.

"I built a gocart when I was twelve" I informed.

"Really" his brow rose in surprise.

"Yeah, they had a robotics club and woodshop at my old school, I would hide and watch them then after they left I would ask the teacher to let me participate after everyone went home".

"Maybe you could visit my uncle's garage and help me fix a car?" I gave him a small smile.

"I'd like that".

(Everest's Outfit)

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(Everest's Outfit)

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