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(Everest's POV)

I hummed as I sat beside Jade, I was sketching with my new headphones over my ears blocking out whatever the others were talking about, then Cat arrived carrying a machine, I went back to my sketch until white fluff covered it.

"It's snowing?" I questioned as I set my headphones around my neck.

"No Cat bought a machine that makes fake snow" Jade informed.

"And it's all over my tostada" Beck whined leaning his head on my shoulder.

"And my pizza" Andre added.

"Well, do not eat it," Cat told us making us look at her curiously.

"Why?" Jade asked.

"'Cause it says the fake snow is toxic and can cause abdominal bleeding" she read off a manual, we pushed our lunches to the center of the table.

"So what made you buy a machine that poisons people's lunches?" Tori interrogates.

"This catalog".

"Sky store?" Beck asked as I and Jade brush the fake snow out of our hair.

"Yeah, I went to visit my uncle this weekend in San Francisco, and they had these on the plane" she explained excitedly "It's like filled with all kinds of cool stuff you can buy" she flipped through the booklet "Oh, like this, a tree face, you put it on your tree to give it a face".

"What if you don't have a tree?" I stated.

"It also works on bushes," she told me, I ignored her and helped Jade get the rest of the snow from her hair.

"Unbelievable, you guys have no idea how upset I am about... It snowed?" Robbie came in fuming but it turned to confusion as his eyes landed on the white fluff "In Los Angeles?".

"I told you global warming was bogus" Rex stated and Robbie turned to him.

"Stop watching fox news".

"No, it's fair and balanced".

"Dude" Tori interrupted them.

"It's not real snow," Beck told him.

"But you can eat it" Jade and I synced causing her to smile at me.

"I don't wanna eat anything" he grumbled. We then were told that they wanted to cancel his blog, I didn't know he had a blog. Who would watch his blog? Rex then stated it was boring so Robbie asked us what we thought, Andre, Beck, and Cat faked seeing a guy and then left with Beck taking my hand.

My feet rested on Beck's leg as we sat in the black box watching Robbie's new blog.

"Welcome to... Starring Robbie Shapiro. Robarazzi, your home for up-to-the-minute tasty gossip about the students at Hollywood Arts".

"Oh, my God!" Tori exclaimed.

"Coming up on Robarazzi, Tori Vega's pimple: Shrinking or growing?" Robbie announced "Also, does Andre Harris have a ketchup problem? Does Sinjin van Cleef Steal famous teeth? Probably. The feared West sister, is Everest West's hair real, or is she doing it for attention? Does Jade West have something to hide on her phone?" I tensed as my photo appeared with bottles of hair dye edited in, then multiple pictures of Jade followed with her smiling at her phone "All this, and tons more on Robarazzi, starring Robbie Shapiro" the blog ended.

"He's a dead man" Tori started which led to everyone denying what was announced "Let's go fix this right now" they gathered their bags and marched out, and I followed behind them leaving Cat, who was ordering underwear that floats, in the black box.

"Hey" Tori yelled as she entered a room Robbie and his crew were occupying.

"I don't use any more ketchup than the next guy" Andre complained.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa come on you guys, we're in the middle of taping my show" Robbie complained and I stayed in the back making note of everyone on his team.

"Eve's hair is natural and what I do on my phone doesn't concern you!" Jade shouted.

"Are you guys getting this?" Robbie questioned the crew "'Cause this is great stuff".

"You're not gonna have any friends left if you keep exploiting us for your dumb blog," Tori told him only to be ignored.

"Okay, we have Tori f-ahaha-reaking out," he wrote on the clear glass board behind him.

"This is your last chance, are you gonna stop this Robarazzi thing or not?" They left but I stayed, Robbie, looked at me.

"You and I aren't friends so I don't care what you do or what happens to you but put me or my sister back on your stupid blog and all of you better sleep with one eye open because I'm coming after each and every one of you" with my piece said I left the room.

The next day we sat outside with me and Jade enjoying our lunch while the others were still upset about Robbie's blog.

"I am so mad at Robbie" Tori stated and I rolled my eyes "I feel like everyone's staring at my pimple" she went to touch her zit.

"Everyone is," my sister said.

"How do you think I feel? Five people today have asked me about my ketchup addiction" Andre added "One kid called me "Mister ketchup".

"It's all Tori's fault" I informed them.

"Really?" Tori rose her brow.

"They were about to kick Robbie off the slap, you were the one who told him to start reporting on our personal lives, and then you gave him ideas by letting him shoot video of you playing with your pimple" everyone gave a contemplative look.

"She's not wrong" Jade confirmed and Tori gained a shocked look, Beck wrapped his arms around my shoulder to calm me down from my rant when a group of kids came to the table.

"Hey Andre, we thought you might need this" they handed him a big bottle of ketchup "Save some for dinner" they left as Andre held up the bottle.

"I do not have a ketchup problem!" he stood yelling at them.

"Andre, Andre, right here" a mob of cameras came out of nowhere taking pictures of Andre and the ketchup".

"Who were they?" Andre asked as the mob left.

"Robarazzis. Robbie's little Ninth-Grade photographers" Beck told him.

"Aw, man! Now, Robbie's got pics of me with this Industrial-size ketchup".

"We gotta do something," Tori said.

"No really?" Was my sarcastic reply.

"I think we just have to show Robbie that we're not gonna be his friends until he stops embarrassing everybody" everyone agreed except Jade and me, that plan was for kids.

"What's up, ma peeps?" Robbie strolled up to us and sat between Andre and Jade, who gave him a death glare "How's everyone doin' this fine day?" He saw the ketchup beside Andre "Do you really need that much ketchup?" He joked but Andre took his bag and threw it into a nearby trash bin, Jade took his lunch and tossed it onto the ground and I poured my drink onto his head "What's wrong with you guys?".

"Stop embarrassing us on your dumb Robarazzi blog".

"Seriously, Rob, It's not funny anymore, okay" Beck tried to reason.

"You guys embarrass yourselves, I just get it on tape and show the world" Robbie stated.

"Well, we don't wanna be your friends till you stop" Tori states childishly.

"Fine" Robbie responded "Lots of other people wanna be my friends, smart and attractive people" he stood "See ya on the web" he then left.

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