Chapter 6: Family Arrives!

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Just a bunch of level 4s mourning over their lost comrade

Allen's POV:

          Today is the day that Nea comes. Mana has not stopped talking about Nea. I wonder if this guy lives up to what Mana is hyping him up to be. Time to put him up to the test. Mana also said that another one of his other siblings will be coming. Tyki. He sounds interesting.

          We're now waiting for them at the train station. Mana said I could skip school to meet them! I need a break anyway. 2 days a week and some week(s) long breaks just don't cut it. 

          A train stops and people get out. "Nea!" I hear Mana shout and go running to this random guy. They look alike. "Tyki! It's good to see you" I hear Mana shout. He sounds and looks genuinely happy. After talking for a bit, Mana leads them to me. "Guys, this is Allen. He's my troublesome son!" Mana says with a giggle. "Hey! It's all Kanda's fault we're even in this predicament!" I whine. Mana chuckles. I sigh.

          "So, you're Allen." Nea questions. I nod. He looks me up and down and smirks. "You seem pretty healthy. Is Mana spoiling you?" Nea asks. "No sir," I reply. "Whoa, he's got some manners for this 'troublesome' person Nea was describing him as," Tyki says. I nod. Tyki ruffles my hair. "You seem like a good kid. Say, do you play poker?" Tyki asks. I smirk. Of course I play. Cross forces his debts onto me so I had to learn to cheat in order to get the money. "I do play poker," I reply. Tyki smirks. "I'd like to play you sometime." He says. "Sounds nice," I say.

          "What do you like to do, Allen?" Nea asks. "Oh! I like reading, eating, and playing the piano." I reply. Nea smiles. "I can teach you some cool songs if you'll let me." Nea offers. I light up. "Please do!" I say. Nea chuckles. "You've raised him well, brother," Nea says. Mana's smile widens. "Well, he is my pride and joy," Mana says with confidence.

          Tyki lifts me up and puts me on his shoulders. "W-Whoa, Tyki, why'd you do that?" I ask. "Come along now, boy. We're going home. Mana, lead the way." He replies. Mana chuckles and leads us home. On the way there, we cracked some jokes, learned more about each other, and bullied Nea in a friendly way. Nea is very childish.

          Mana opens the door and I see a very annoying redhead. Isn't he supposed to be at church? "Good afternoon, Cross!" Mana greets. Tyki puts me down. "Are they really staying here for a while?" Cross asks. Mana nods. I go into the house. "Tch, what's a brat like you doing in here?" Cross asks. I glare at him. "I live here," I state. "I thought you were getting replaced," Cross says and wipes a fake tear from his eye. "Oh, too bad. I'm not leaving anytime soon!" I stick my tongue out at Cross. He glares at me for a second and goes back to reading his porn magazine. 

          "You two seem like good friends," Tyki comments. I sigh. "Yep, the best of friends," I sarcastically say. Mana chuckles. The others step into the house. "Go explore. If you need me, I'll be in my room to the left hall." I say and take off. 

          I go into my room and fall on my bed. All of my uncles are really nice. I do look forward to playing poker with Tyki sometime. I'll use my best cheating ability. I feel something nudge my cheek. I look at the thing and, "Timcanpy!" I shout. "I haven't seen you in days! I was so worried!" I shout and snuggle my face against the golden golem. 

          I lay on my back and place Tim on my chest. I play with it for a bit until my eyes feel heavy. I close them and drift off to sleep.

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