Chapter 26: Kanda Tries His Best

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Cute filler???? On my cursed domain???????

Kanda's POV:

          The moyashi and I haven't been on a proper date. The idiot hasn't even mentioned anything about going on one, so I'm guessing it's my liberty to take him on one. I sigh and flop on my bed. I rest my arm over my eyes. What type of date would he like though? Even though he's easy to read and understand; he's still super complex. For example, he'd adore the idea of Lenalee and Lavi having a honeymoon when they get married, but when I ask for one, he gives me a look of utter disgust.

          I groan. God, this is going to be hard. Maybe I should just ask him? No, no, no. I want this to be a sweet surprise. I huff and get off my bed. I walk over to my door and open it. I step out and start walking down the hallway. I walk down the stairs and toward the kitchen. Perhaps eating will help me think of something. 

          I open the fridge and grab some milk. I get the cereal box, a spoon, and a bowl. I fix myself a bowl of cereal and return the ingredients to their rightful spots. I sigh as I shovel some cereal into my mouth. I scowl. Why is thinking of a date idea so hard? 

          "Yu-kun, what's got you so angry?" I hear Tiedoll ask. "Che, nothing," I reply. I don't want him to coo over me thinking of taking Allen on a date. "Aww, you know we're here to listen to you if you're struggling," Tiedoll informs. "I know," I reply. He smiles at me and grabs his own breakfast. A lightbulb appears above my head. I'll ask Alma what type of stuff Allen likes! He likes talking to Alma more than me, sadly.


          I knock on Alma's bedroom door. "Come in!" he shouts. I open the door and step in. God, never had I thought I'd be doing this. I sigh and blush a little. "Do you know what type of things Allen likes?" I ask while turning my head away from him slightly. Alma giggles. "Awwwwww, Yu doesn't know~" Alma coos. I scoff. "J-Just tell me!" I shout. Alma laughs even more. I'm shaking from embarrassment right now.

          He stops laughing and clears his throat. "Ahem, anyway, what do you mean? He doesn't tell you anything?" Alma asks. "No, it's not that," I sigh. "It's just, I don't know what type of foods or drinks or things or any places he likes," I reply quietly. "Why don't you ask him?" Alma questions. "I-I can't. It's a surprise." I say. God, this is so embarrassing. 

          Alma giggles. "Alright, I'll tell you. If it's a date you're after, he likes simple things, not extravagant things. He hates money and things that have no meaning, no effort, and no love. If you buy him a diamond ring, he'd hate it because all a diamond means is that you're rich. But if you bought him a rose quartz ring; it's a symbol of love, so you'd score yourself some points. " Alma informs. I nod and take mental notes.

          "Next thing! He hates food that has no passion put into it. It could be the best thing he'd ever taste, but he wouldn't like it because there's no love or passion. If you cooked a pot of $3 dollar mac and cheese but made it with love in your heart, he'd absolutely adore it. Same with drinks! But there's something different with drinks. He finds teas and coffees to be the best things ever, but if he's having a stressful day, he'd drink hot water because it soothes him most." Alma says. I nod. This boy really is more complex than I thought.

          "Now, we get onto the favorite food section of this TedTalk! Mitasrashi dango is his absolute favorite! You can win any argument if you promise him some. Oh, and places! Like I said previously, he likes simple! So either host a date at home, a cheap restaurant, or his favorite, outdoors! But the most important thing is this: effort. As long as you put effort and time into it, he'll love it." Alma says. I nod once more. "Thanks, Alma," I say. Alma nods and smiles at me. I leave and sigh. Now, what type of date do I take him on?


          I cuddle with my pillow. Maybe for a first date, we can watch the sunrise? Sunrises are always prettier. But what if he likes sunsets? I groan. Oh god, this is difficult. Alma did say he liked effort. But I kinda want this to be perfect. Allen did mention that he likes flowers. Yeah, that'll be the place! We watch the sunset in the flower field in my garden that I completely forgot to tell him about! Now, I already know what food to put into the picnic basket in the stairway closet. Now drinks...... How about green tea? Yeah, that sounds good. Alright! I think I've found a good date!

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