Chapter 22: Neighbrinos

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Allen's POV:

          I breathe in a breath of respite and look at our new house. Beautiful! We (I) bought it pre-furnished so we could just relax for a while. I skip into our new house and it looks amazing. "Tch, I wanted a mansion," Cross complains. "Sucks to suck!" I reply and stick my tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes and plops down on the couch.

          Since I'm the only one who saw the house's interior, I already know what room is mine! I chose the only downstairs bedroom. It's right next to the stairs and kinda hidden away. I do not mean the Harry Potter closet; it's an actual bedroom with a bathroom inside. 

          I go over to my new bedroom and hold Timcanpy. "Okay, Tim! Spit out my stuff!" I command. Tim follows my command and I start rearranging and decorating my room.


          I wipe my brow and fall on my bed. I am wiped out! It took me an hour to redo my room! I sigh and stand up. I walk to our new kitchen and look in the fridge. Mana must have gone grocery shopping while I was doing my thing. 

          I grab some string cheese sticks and begin eating. I'm down to my last stick when I hear a knock on the door. "Comnimg!" I shout with cheese in my mouth. I scurry over to the door and open it. "Howdy neigh- wait, Allen!?" I hear a familiar voice question. "Wavi!?" I question. I swallow my food and just stare at him. "So you're my new neighbor!" Lavi exclaims with excitement. I smile. "I guess so. I didn't know you lived here!" I say. Lavi nods and just walks into the house.

          He sits on the couch and rests his feet on the table. "Nice place ye got here!" Lavi complements. "Thank you!" I say. I sit down next to him and he lays down on my lap. He looks up at me. "May I ask a favor of you?" He asks. "Sure, what is it?" I question. "May I ride with you to school? Bookman forces me to take the bus every morning and the bus is kinda bad." Lavi requests. I play with his hair. "Sure, why not," I reply. Lavi beams. "Thanks, little buddy!" Lavi shouts. I chuckle. "No problem," I say.

          Well, this was an unexpected day. Who'd have known that I would be Lavi's neighbor? What a weird day.

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