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The next morning, Aayat changes her clothes thrice before deciding on her blue faded jeans, white button up blouse. She matches it with her favorite white sneakers.

She decides to keep her hair open in natural curls. For makeup, she goes for winged eyeliner and pats some cherry lip balm on her lips.

Taking her grey colored ZARA backpack, she looks at herself in the mirror.

I look decent, she thinks.

Just as she's about to leave for the hospital, her phone pings.

The text is from Sarah.

Where are you?
Don't you dare not come.
I swear I won't mind coming to your house and dragging you to the hospital.

Her texts make Aayat laugh. She types her a quick reply that she's on her way and books a cab for the hospital.

On the other hand, in the hospital, Sarah is sitting on the couch in Kaif's room, bouncing her leg up and down.

"Why are you so restless?" Kaif asks her sister.

"I am not restless. I'm just waiting for Aayat." Sarah nonchalantly says.

Kaif's eyebrows shoot up,"Aayat? Who is Aayat?"

"You'll know." Sarah smirks.

"No. I want to know now. I am noticing that you and mom are hiding something from me. What is it?" Kaif complains.

"Oh my, God! I forgot how awfully irritating you get at times." Sarah cranks.

"Sarah," Kaif calls her in his most intimidating voice. This means his patience is running out.

"Okay fine, big brother. Aayat is the girl who saved your life." Sarah gives up.

"Saved my life?" Confusion floods his handsome face.

"Yeah. After you passed out on the road after the accident, no one took initiative to bring you to the hospital. Then finally Aayat saw you there and brought you to the hospital."

"Well, that's really kind of her." Kaif says.

"That's not all. After the accident, Aayat started to visit you daily. You know, there were days when I was busy in college stuff, or mom was not well and we couldn't visit you. But Aayat, no matter how busy she was, she managed to take out at least half an hour to visit you.

There was also a situation when me, mom or dad, none of us were able to stay at the hospital with you. That day, Aayat volunteered. She stayed the night with you. Even yesterday it was Aayat who was with you when you started fidgeting before finally waking up."

Kaif doesn't know how to react to this. Heck, he doesn't even know what he's feeling.

Except for one.

Knowing that an unknown girl has been visiting him everyday for the past eight months warmed his heart. It makes him feel special and cared.

And now suddenly he feels this certain ache to see her.

"Are you going to say anything?" Sarah brings him out of his thoughts.

Kaif jerks his head towards his sister and opens his mouth to ask one question that is bothering him.

"Why did she keep coming to visit me?"

"That, brother, you'll have to ask her yourself." Sarah smirks.

At that exact moment, someone knocks at the door.

"Oh, she's here." Sarah chirps, "Ready to meet her? FYI, she's damn beautiful."

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