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After the fight with Nandini, Avira felt more miserable than ever. She couldn't sleep the entire night. The words of Ashar and Nandini kept ringing in her ear. She just needed someone to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay. She stared longingly at Ashar's side of the bed. It had been so many days since she had slept in his arms, since he had kissed her lovingly. All the stress and loneliness got the best of her and her eyes filled with tears. She pulled Ashar's pillow close to her heart and cried her heart out while hugging it.

She would have barely gotten an hour's sleep when a wave of nausea hit her and woke her up. She rushed to the washroom and threw up. After brushing her teeth, she came back to rest a little more since it was Sunday, but a few minutes later she vomited again. By 9 in the morning, she had thrown up four times and felt absolutely exhausted and hungry. She suddenly started craving for omelette so she put on her slippers and padded to the kitchen.

She was whisking the egg with salt and pepper when Ashar entered the kitchen. Their eyes met and Avira had a strong urge to break down in his arm. Ashar had just gotten back from the gym and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Ashar saw her pale face and instantly got worried. Was she okay? He wanted to hug her and ask her if she and the baby were alright but he was too sad over what she had said. He didn't want to get too attached to the unborn child because if she really did choose to not keep it, he'd be absolutely heart broken.

So without saying anything to her, he opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. She also continued making her egg. He was confused seeing her make omelette since she didn't like eggs, but then he figured it must be the pregnancy cravings.

"Avira, mom called last night. She was wishing to speak to you. Call her if you can." He informed her before striding away.

She kept staring at his back as her mind played what he had called her.

Avira. Not Vira, not baby, not sweetheart or darling. Avira.

He had not called her by her full name since they'd gotten married. She had become accustomed to him calling her with sweet endearments or his special nickname for her, Vira. She didn't even realise how much she loved him calling her Vira till now. She couldn't control her tears again and rushed to her room, the omelette long forgotten.

Ashar went out after showering and didn't return home until late at night. She was waiting for him to come back, but didn't realise when she slept on the living room couch. He had gone to the office since he didn't feel like staying at home. When he returned, he found his wife uncomfortably sleeping on the couch.

He went to her and picked her up in his arms, carefully not to wake her up. He carried her to their room and put her on the bed. She moved in her sleep before cuddling his hand. He used his free hand to caress her cheek and then palmed her invisible bump where his child was resting. Then he untangled his hand from her grip, and left the room.

The next morning, thankfully Avira didn't have any morning sickness, but she was still feeling tired. She wore a pair of loose jeans, a shirt and put her hair up in a messy bun. By the time she left her room, Ashar was already gone. For breakfast, she just ate an apple and left for the office.

"Should we approve these designs?" A girl from Avira's team asked.

Avira, who was too occupied with her thoughts, didn't hear her.

"Avira?" Antara kept a hand on her shoulder and got Avira's attention.

"Huh?" Avira looked around and found everyone staring at her. "What?"

"Did you go through the designs I sent you yesterday? That's what we are discussing." Antara said.

Avira had forgotten about it. "No, Antara. I'm sorry."

Antara dismissed the team members and then turned to Avira. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I was just tired yesterday." Avira made an excuse.

Antara looked like she was not convinced but she let it go. Avira cleared her mind and tried to focus on her work. After lunch, she called for the meeting that had been left incomplete in the morning. After the meeting, she walked out while looking through her phone. Her ankle twisted somehow and her body lost balance. But before she could fall down, one of her colleagues caught her and helped her stand.

"Are you fine?" That person asked, but she was not worried about herself. She was worried about the life that was inside her womb. For the first time since she had known about her pregnancy, she had acknowledged her baby's presence. She worriedly cupped the place where her baby was resting. It took her a few seconds to calm herself down and believe that her baby was fine. She muttered a small thank you to her colleague for saving her and then ran to the women's room.

She locked herself in one of the toilets and hugged herself, trying to hug her baby. For the past few days, she'd been feeling so lonely but what never occurred to her was that she was never alone. Her baby, her child, was always there with her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She whispered to her baby. Her voice cracked and she started to silently cry. How could she even think of not wanting her child, her own blood?

It took her quite some time to tranquilize herself. After that, she went to Antara and informed her that she was leaving early. On her way home, she picked up the ingredients for Ashar's favorite food, some beautiful balloons and banners.

Upon reaching home, she got to work. After all, she had a very disappointed husband to make up to.


All the people who commented in the last chapter with their thoughts about Avira's behavior, I understand you all. But what you also have to understand that no one is perfect. Neither is Avira. She has her flaws, she is scared of change. She likes to have her life in her control. That's why she was skeptical about marriage as well. It took her some time to convince herself. And having a baby is no joke. Try to understand the character of Avira and see the situation from her point of view. She isn't bad, she was just not ready for it. And anger got the best of her.

Enough with my rant, vote kar dena please :)

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