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It had almost been a fortnight since the reception party they'd attended. And in all these days, Kiaan couldn't help but notice Misha in a different light. And the more he noticed her, the more he found her perfect.

Right now, Misha was making some snacks for them, and he should be working. But instead, neglecting his laptop, he was staring at her intently. Watching her move around in his kitchen effortlessly, like she owned it, gave him immense happiness. He always wanted her to be around him.

"Kiaan," Misha screamed, that got his attention.

"What?" He removed his eyes from her and pretended to work on the laptop.

"I've been calling you for the past two minutes now. Where are you lost?" She kept her hand on her hip, which brought his attention to her waist and then the curve of her ass.

He mentally kicked himself for thinking about Misha like that, and shook his head to shake those thoughts off.

"I was just thinking about work." He gave the first excuse he could think of.

"I was asking if you want mayonnaise or BBQ sauce?"


Misha brought a plate full of cheesy potato shots she had made. It was just a little before sunset, and the weather had been absolutely pleasant the entire day.

She saw him dipping the shots into the dip and then popping it into his mouth, while she played with her food. She wanted to talk to him about Rehaan. Her parents were behind her to know her decision. After their first meeting, Misha and Rehaan texted a couple of times. She liked him as a person. But she just couldn't bring herself to say yes to marriage with him. So she wanted Kiaan's advice on the situation.

But before she could start speaking, the sky thundered loudly.

"Is it going to rain? I've got clothes drying outside!" Kiaan looked at the huge window in the living room.

The sky had started to darken and the pleasant breeze had intensified. It was indeed going to rain heavily.

Before he could put his laptop away and get up, Misha was already running towards the backyard where his clothes were drying on the drying rack. Since the blow of air was too strong, she picked up the entire rack and carried it inside. Kiaan had reached her. She put the rack down, while he shut the door of the backyard.

The air had messed with her hair so she moved her fingers through them. While doing so, her eyes fell in the clothes that were drying on the rack.

"Is that a Harry Potter hoodie?" She asked.

Kiaan looked at where she was pointing and nodded his head.

She picked it up from the rack and looked at it excitedly. It was maroon colored, with the Hogwarts logo printed in the middle with black. She hugged the cloth closer to her and gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

He frowned at her expressions at first, but then understood the reason behind it. His eyes widened a little and he exclaimed, "No!"

"Please," She pouted.

"Absolutely not," He tried to snatch the hoodie back from her but she was quick to protect it.

"Please, Kiu!" She said in a baby voice. Kiaan's mother used to call him Kiu in childhood and whenever Misha wanted to tease him, she'd use that nickname.

He made a dirty face. "Don't call me that."

"I won't, if you would just give me the hoodie."

"Not happening. That is my favorite hoodie." He tried to pull it away from her again, but she just moved back to increase the distance between them.

"Mere liye itna nahi kar sakte tum? I thought I was your best friend." She tried to emotionally blackmail him.

"Okay, best friend. I'd order a new one for you but give this one back to me." He had some uncanny love for that hoodie.

"No. I want this one only. You order a new one for yourself." She stubbornly said.

"Misha, I'm asking you to give it back to me for the last time." He said in a serious voice.

"Oh, I'm scared!" She mocked him.

That was it. He plunged towards her, while she shrieked and started running away from him. He followed her to the living room where they started chasing each other around the couch.

"You can't get me," She teased and laughed while running. It went on for a little while, before her foot got hit by the leg of the sofa, and he got the opportunity to grab her. He gripped her hand and pulled her towards him, but he got disbalanced somehow. This resulted in him falling on the couch, while she fell on top of him.

"Ouch," He cried at the sudden fall, while her expressions showed pain as well.

They looked at each other at the same time, and their expressions changed instantly. Their faces were really close, and her breath halted. He stared at her beautiful face and subconsciously his hand moved to lightly caress her cheek. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and she leaned into his touch more. A sexual tension enveloped them and before they knew, they both were leaning into each other. Their lips slowly brushed against each other, and that was Kiaan's breaking point. He moved his hand from her cheek to the back of her head and crashed their lips. He moved his lips against her soft one, before sliding his tongue on them. This made her open her lips and he dived inside her mouth. He had now fisted her hair. Her lips responded as well. She placed her hands on his shoulder and adjusted her frame for better access. She pushed her body up and straddled him while he swiped his hand from her waist to her ass and cupped it. The kiss got heated up as they both struggled to dominate. He sucked and bit her lips.

Finally they let each other go as they ran out of oxygen. She looked at his eyes that were clouded with lust and the situation dawned upon her. She had just lost her first kiss to her best friend.

Her eyes widened in shock, "Shit!"

She hurriedly got up from him. He also processed what just happened between them. But before he could speak anything, she had picked up her phone and sandals and was running away from him.

It was raining heavily outside, and as soon as she stepped out of his home, she got drenched. She ran to her home barefoot.

"Misha?" Ramza saw his daughter entering home in that condition.

But she didn't stop, and headed straight to her room. She threw the stuff in her hand on the bed and went to her bathroom. Standing under the shower, she replayed what had happened at his house.

She had kissed him.

They kissed each other.

But the thought that disturbed her the most was,

She liked it. She freaking loved it.

Even though she was showering with cold water, every cell of her body that he had touched was heated up. She could still feel his muscular arms around her.

And it scared the shit out of her.

Kiaan saw her running inside her home and groaned frustratedly. He went to his room and ran his hand through his hair. The kind of thoughts that he had been having for her lately, it wasn't hard for him to believe the kiss. But what was pondering him was the fact that she kissed him back. And right now, the only thing he wanted to do was barge into her room and kiss her senseless again. But he knew he couldn't do that. At least not until he figured out his feelings.


It happened!! I am screaming while running around in my house, but there is no Kiaan to chase me :(

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I know it is haram in Islam to be intimate before marriage, but I'm not promoting any religion here. The characters are not perfect muslims, so please don't comment or dm me hate. If you don't like it, you can choose not to read it.

And to the people who enjoyed the chapter, vote!

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