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Moiz was seated in the regular cafe where they study, waiting for Nausheen to come while checking the texts he'd received from his mother.

"Who is that?" Nausheen's angry voice startled him and he looked back, only to find her standing right behind him.

"Who is who?" He asked.

She pointed towards his phone, where a picture of a beautiful girl was open. Moiz looked at where she was pointing. "Oh, she. Maa sent me this.."

"What?" She shrieked, "Why is your mother sending you pictures of girls? Is this some sort of rishta thing?"

He stared at her with an amused smile. Was she jealous?

"Is it?" She hissed.

"Yeah," He said and saw her expressions turn more deadly. "For my big brother."

The anger faded out and confusion took its place. "Big brother?"

"Remember Ashar Bhai? This is his fiance, Avira Bhabhi." He told her, trying his best to not laugh out loud at her face.

"Oh," She muttered, relaxed, and took a seat. "So, is it a love marriage?" She excitedly asked.

This girl could change her moods like a chameleon changes color.

"No, we're not changing the topic. First you're going to tell me why you were mad." He asked.

"I wasn't mad." She tried to defend herself.

"Right, you were jealous." He smiled.

She stayed silent, while their eyes spoke.

"I was jealous." She admitted after a long time. "I don't share anything that's mine, and you, Moiz Syed, are mine."

And with that, she left him speechless yet again. Now it was her enjoying his expressions. It was not like he didn't like what she said, he freaking loved it. But his shy self didn't know how to react to it.

So to dodge the situation, he said, "Bhai and bhabhi," he cleared his throat while adjusting his spectacles, "It was not love actually. Their moms arranged for it since they're friends."

"Now who is changing the topic?" She teased him.

"I am just answering the question you asked." He justified himself.

"All right," She nodded.

He then took out the book and started explaining to her a new topic. But she was not listening, she was too busy staring at his beautiful face.

"Moiz?" She called him.

He looked up at her.

There was no mischievousness on her face. Her eyes were twinkling with honesty. And just with that honesty, she said, "I love you."

"I," He choked on his own saliva. "I..I will get us something to eat." With that he jumped off the chair and rushed to the counter.

In the last month that they'd spent together in the name of studying had resulted in the feelings to develop. Moiz, being the shy one, had never said anything but his heart knew that she had become fundamental for him. On the other hand, Nausheen had identified and accepted completely what she felt for him. She had given him hints with her regular flirtings, but this was the first time she'd directly vocalized it. He wanted to say it back to her, but he couldn't. He didn't want her to feel that he didn't reciprocate her feelings, but little did he know that she needed no explanations. She knew he was not someone who'll say everything, but she could see his love for her in his eyes. And that was enough for her now.

The next day when Nausheen arrived in the lecture room, a single red rose was kept on her table. She picked it up and looked around the class. Moiz was looking at her with a small smile and she understood it was from him. And from that day, she'd receive a rose from him everyday. He'd either keep it on her classroom table, or canteen table, or shyly pass it to her when they met for their tutoring sessions.

At first, only her friends teased her about it but eventually the whole class came to know. Her receiving roses everyday, and they both passing each other heart eyes were not something that would stay hidden for a long time.

Two months had gone by since the first day that Nausheen had talked to Moiz and their second semester exams started today. And the first exam was on Market Structure. She was really nervous about it, and he knew it.

So, before entering the examination room, he cornered her in an empty corridor. "Don't stress. You'll do great."

"I don't know." She took a deep breath. "I feel like I've forgotten everything."

She kept both her hands on his shoulder for support and subconsciously he grabbed her waist. "I believe in you. You remember all your concepts, just remember the difference between oligopoly and monopoly. You always get confused between those two."

She nodded and rested her head on his chest, thanks to their major height difference. He kept his head on top of hers. This was the first time they were hugging each other.

"Best of luck," He whispered to her.

"You too."


They both had their exams in different rooms so they'd decided to meet in the canteen later.

Moiz reached there first and waited for her. And this was the guy who hated waiting. Love really does change people.

"How was it?" He asked when he saw her coming towards him. Instead of answering, she just jumped right into his arms and wounded her legs around his waist. His eyes widened in surprise, but he still hugged her back since he didn't want them to fall. He knew everyone else in the cafeteria were giving them looks, some in awe, while some in disgust at the PDA.

"It was awesome. I'll surely get through." She screamed in happiness, and then broke apart to look at him. He helped her down on the ground and smiled at her. "I knew you'd do it."

"It is all because of you." She exclaimed. "God, I love you so much."

He blushed and scratched his neck.

"Say it back." She cutely demanded and poked his stomach.

He chuckled. "You know I do." He shyly muttered under his breath.

"I know, baby. I know." She winked.


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