☁️ 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕥 (pt2) ☁️

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captain man and i were answering questions left and right, stumbling over our words to get to the next person.
"kid danger! are you dating bonni?"

the same question kept coming up, and i kept saying no. "how are you going to explain the pictures of bonni kissing you on the road then??" "its photoshopped people, wake up." i snapped. "now if you will excuse us, we have....superhero stuff to do. cmon r- captain man." i said as i grabbed captain mans arm and started walking towards the direction bonni had headed. i started getting worried when she was nowhere to be found. i looked everywhere, but with no use. "ray whatre we going to do, where is she" i said, voice breaking as i had my hands in my hair. "kid, its gonna be okay. lets get back to the mancav-" "i cant go back to the mancave, alright? my girlfriend has gone missing because of a stupid person who photoshopped a picture. if it hadnt been for him, i wouldve gone with her and she wouldve been alright. ray i cant, this is the second time we lose her." "kid...i was gonna say that schworz put a tracker in her suit from last time she got upducted" "oh, to the mancave we go" i said, slightly more relaxed. we went to the mancave as we yelled for schwoz as usual. he came running, wearing safety glasses. "WHAT" he yelled.
"WE LOST Y/N AGAIN, TRACK HER PLEASE" i yelled back, eager to find my lover. schwoz nodded as he sat down in the chair in front of the monitors and began looking for her.

"cmon schwoz! we've been standing her for 30 whole seconds, where is she" ray said impatiently. "found her" "oh"
"she is at the old boxing dungeon" schwoz said. i grabbed my gum from my pocket as i got a ball. "let's blow a bubble and get bonni" "hopefully it'll be funny" ray ended the rhyme as he grabbed a gumball as well. we got into our hero suits as we ran over to the tubes. "up the tubes!" we yelled in harmony. the old boxing dungeon wasn't that far from junk n stuff.

i woke up in a dark room with my hands and legs still cuffed. i somehow got up and sat on my legs with my hands cuffed behind my back. "what the...HEY! HEY GET ME OUT OF HERE" i yelled as someone suddenly entered. it was the lady who i tried to help. she walked over to me as she lifted my chin to look up at her. "aw look at you, so cute. it's sad that you'll have to get that pretty little face of yours ruined." "w-..what do you mean?"
"ah well, cant you tell where we are?"
"no i am literally in a black room what"
"oh, right. well take a quick sniff then."

i slowly inhaled, scared rhe aie might be poisonous. "it..it smells like boxing gloves and sweat" i said as i gagged. the lady simply laughed as she left. "WAIT NO, GET ME OUT OF HERE..COME BACK"

i sighed as i could hear people yelling and cheering outside the room. i tried to quiet down.

"ALRIGHT GUYS! SHES READY! BRING HER OUT" someone yelled as even cheered and screamed. two men busted into the room as they grabbed me. "LET GO OF ME YOU JERK!" i yelled. they smelt like sweat and rubber, possibly barf. i got thrown into the boxing ring and landed on my face since my hands and legs were cuffed. "awh..thats gonna leave a bruise" i mumbled as my cuffs got removed. i immediately got up as i rubbed my sore wrists. "so..what is this?" i asked. "you will be fighting whoever dares to get in the ring" the lady yelled as everyone cheered. i was confused, and slightly scared. all these men were bigger than me in every way.

what the fuck am i gonna do..

"LET THE FIGHTING BEGIN!" the lady yelled as men started jumping into the ring. i felt my heart drop as i realized the only thing i could probably do was to fight. i punched a guy straight in the nose and kicked him in the crotch as he whined. two came behind me and picked me up by each of my arms, as a third punched my in the stomach. they dropped me and kicked me while i was on the ground as i coughed and gasped for air. they thought i had given up as i was laying on the ground, hand on my stomach and face towards the floor. "dont you...." i mumbled. "huh? speak a little louder cutie" "DONT YOU KNOW ITS RUDE AND UNMANLY TO PUNCH A WOMAN" i yelled as i hit the man with and uppercut straight to the jaw. he fell backwards as i ran to the edge of the ring and jumped from the 'fence' straight in between two men, grabbing them and yanking them down as i flew by. i had to remember i still had my enhanced leap and could use it for sick attacks like this. the men groaned as i ran straight for the last man standing in the ring. "WANT A TASTE OF MY FIST YOU UGLY CAVEMAN" i yelled, as he punched me in the cheek. i got punched onto the floor as i touched my cheek, then spat a tooth out. "oh honey..that was my favorite tooth. you're gonna pay" i said, slowly getting back up and putting my tooth in my pocket. i started screaming as i punched him in the stomach. i looked up, only to see he had no reaction. "oh uh" i mumbled as he was about to hit me again. before being able to think, i used my enhanced leap on my leg and basically yeeted my leg into his crotch. a small tear ran down his cheek as he grabbed his crotch and fell on his knees. "oops" i said, not realizing how much force i used.

i looked around to see that i was the last standing in the ring. narcissism got the better of me and i just had to make it worse. "AYE! ANYBODY ELSE WANT A TASTE OF THESE SWEET BICEPS? OH YOU'RE TOO SCARED? HAHA YOU WEAklings...." i said, worse slowly getting quieter. "oh my god i hate myself" i said just before everyone got into the ring and jumped onto me. i was laying under at least 14 massive men and could barely breathe. just as they got on top of me, captain man and kid danger busted through the doors. "BONNI WHERE ARE YOU" they yelled. "oh, well she's simply underneath all of my friends" the woman said as she pointed at the men laying on me. captain man and kid danger immediately ran over to us as started throwing everyone off. kid danger saw my hand as he pulled me out and hugged my sore body. i whined in pain as kid danger panicked. "henry, its okay. go help ray." i mumbled to him as he shook his head. "i cant let you out of my sight y/n..i dont....i dont want them to take you again, okay? i need you y/n." he said as my vision started going black due to the minimum amount of oxygen i got while having 14 men on me. i woke up in the mancave, sitting against henry, resting my head on his shoulder. we were sitting in the round couch as i groaned. i started to gain all sensation back into my body, as i could feel it aching. "oh you're awake!" henry said, gently pulling me off him and looking at me. "are you okay, how're you feeling y/n?" jasper asked. "my body feels like its screaming" i mumbled. "SCHWOZ" henry started yelling right next to my ear. "SCHWO-" "HENRY GODDAMIT SHUT UP" i interrupted him. "oh- sorry" he said as i stared at him. "you called henry?" "ah, do we have anything we can give y/n for the pain?" "of course we do. we could turn microscopic, go into her head and numb the part of her brain that feels pain" schwoz exclaimed. "what?- why don't we just give her some pain meds" jasper asked. schwoz sighed as he walked away like an angry child. "fine! i guess we could do that or whatever!" schwoz said, pulling a little bottle of pills out of one of the drawers in the mancave. he threw it straight at me, but henry caught it just before it hit my face. "wow there, y'aight?" henry asked. "what the fuck did you just say" "you alright?" "no thats not what you said, you said y'aight" "i did?" "yes you did" "oh well" "dont do it again, it sounds dumb" i said as henry looked at me offended. "gimme those pills u ugly lookin asscrack" i said, snatching the pills from him. "i'm offended" he said as i simply just made a small and short laugh. i got out a couple of pills and were just about to put them in my mouth when henry grabbed my arm. "cmon what're you doing, you dont even know how strong those pills are. are you trying to get yourself killed" henry said, snatching the small pill bottle back. "ah you're right henry. she can only have one pill, they're special and very strong." schwoz said. "now gimme back those pills u ugly ass asscrack" henry said as he used my own words against me and took the pills out of my hand. he handed me back one pill and i took it and swallowed it as if it was nothing. "uh..you sure you dont want some water with that orr-" "no it's fine, i've overdosed, this is nothing" i blurted out. as everyone looked at me. "...sorry"

"anyways, schwoz wheres ray?" henry asked. "he took a steamy shower" "hasn't he been 1 hour already" "yeah, only 1 and a 1/5 to go!" schwoz said as henry slightly rolled his eyes in disappointment. "i think the pills are starting to work!" i said, as i started to feel my body get better. "nice" jasper said. "was that sarcastic?" i asked, giving jasper the i'll kill you look. "u-uh..no" "sounded pretty sarcastic dud" henry backed me up. "i would say go nuts on him, but your body needs to relax, even tho its fun to beat up jasper. i nodded as i motion for henry to move further into the couch so that i could rest my head in his lap. he moved as i laid down. he started stroking my hair and playing with it gently. my vision turned black as suddenly i began dreaming.

i stood on the edge of a building, about to jump.

you're probably thinking 'she got everything she wanted' but the truth was, that as i stand here, on the edge, i realize that a happy ending never did seem fit my story. "y/n please just come here, i love you, okay? you can't leave me" "i know you're here because you want to help me and to see me get better, but i'm not. i'm not gonna let you love a person who cant be saved. shows over henry. i lost." i said, jumping off the edge and feeling the pressure of the wind hitting me. i could hear henry screaming my name. the pain in his voice was unbearable. i turned my body around mid air, only to see henry falling right behind me. he reached his hand out for me, and as i was about to take it, i stopped midair, as henry kept falling. i started screaming as i saw henry fall and hit the cold concrete. "HENRY NO" i screamed, but at what cause. it's not like he can hear me now.

suddenly i started falling again, and as i hit the ground, i woke up with a jolt.

"ay you okay y/n? you jolted pretty hard bro" henry asked. "a-ah..yeah i'm fine." i said, wanting to forget everything about that dream.

A/N: sorry for the long awaited pt 2, but here it is my lovelies.

☁️bonni☁️ (Henry Hart x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now