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"Tom, is there something you need to tell me?"

~Tom's POV~

I sighed and began to tell my story
"Harrison? Do you remember coming to my childhood home?" I asked as I put on clean underwear and pants.
"Yeah I do." he replied,
  "Do you remember us tell each other everything?" I asked as I quickly brushed my teeth
"Yeah, we even wrote the rule down on a sheet of paper, We tell each other everything no exceptions." Harrison chuckled,
  "Well I never told you my whole story." I paused as I sighed again, "My father was a very ruthless man, he was always 'too busy' to hang out with me, to teach me to play catch, everything a father needs to teach their son. For almost my entire childhood my dad wasn't there. It got harder once Harry and Sam were born. I had no friends and my brothers were too young to play anything I wanted to play." I paused and sighed again as I sat on the toilet seat lid. 
" Once I became 16 that's when he wanted to hang out with me. Imagine that! My own father didn't even acknowledge I was alive until my childhood was almost over!" I yelled in pure frustration that I was letting something that happened so long ago affect me now.
  "All my life he has told me how to live my life. Has pressured me to step up and rule this mafia at a young age. Now he took it too far." I said as I opened the bathroom door with such force it slammed against the wall.
"Well, your parents are stopping by tonight and are going to be joining us for dinner." Harrison said in a little voice.
"WHAT?! HARRISON YOU COULD'VE FUCKING TOLD ME!!" I yelled before I stormed out of the room, quickly grabbing a shirt and coat and stormed off to my office.

I slammed my fist into my desk and pulled out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it for a little to calm myself down.
    "All guards and maids please come to my office." I said into the microphone that connected to all the radios my men and women wear. A few minutes later all my guards and maids as well as Y/N's guards and maids were in my office.
    "My parents are coming to spend the night and have dinner with us." I paused writing a recipe down on a sheet of paper.
    "Who can cook a spectacular meal in less than an hour?" I asked firmly, not thinking anyone would be up for it.
     "Us, sir," a maid stepped forwards and another 5 maids followed her, "We can cook a spectacular meal." she said, I looked her up and down and noticed a bracelet,
     "What is this?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and held it up so I could get a better look.
      "Sir, miss Y/N gave that to us," she paused slipping her hand from my loose grip, "Miss Y/N gave them to use so she will know that we are loyal to her." she said smiling.
       "Umm ok..." I paused as I snapped myself back into work mode. "Anyway, here, this is my parents favorite recipe, no shortcuts I don't want something to happen to you." I said smiling a little before I noticed I was going soft, I also looked creepy..."Now go." I said firmly.

     The maids left in a hurry,
       "All other maids, clean this place from top to bottom, I need a group of 5 maids to prepare a room for my parents." I said in a stern gruff.
       "Umm sir?" a voice called out,
        "Who dares to speak to me when I have not spoken to you?!" I yelled, my voice bellowed in the office.
         "Us sir." a group of men stepped forward, "Y/N usually assigns us to help the maids." the group said.
        "Fine go ahead." I said shooing them away. "The rest of you, go to your positions and patrol the house and surrounding area. Guards who will patrol outside, you will patrol until 7pm, guards patrolling inside, half of you go to bed you will have night shift, the other half, go for a shower and do what you want until 5pm." I said, pausing to add affect, "Now go" I said firmly.

       All the guards left and I was left feeling alone
      "Tom," Harrison said, "Your parents are 30 minutes away." he stated.
       "Thank you Harrison" I said. Harrison went to walk away,
        "Wait, mate" I said before sighing. "Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
        "Of course." Harrison said with a smile. "Go tell Y/N to go for a shower and brush her teeth. Maybe put on makeup, put her hair in the most beautiful style she can and put on the most gorgeous dress she has, and explain to her why I am telling her this."I said getting out of my seat and walking towards Harrison who wore an odd look on his face.
       "Why?" Harrison asked as he cocked his head to the side,
      "Because I am so stressed that I could just rip my hair out one tiny hair at a time, I feel like screaming, punching or killing something. I don't want to accidently snap because she may be playful. I also don't think Y/N wants to smell my cigarette breath." I said as I sighed,
       "Alright, mate." Harrison said placing a hand on my shoulder "I will tell her, you just calm down" Harrison said smiling.
      " Thanks mate." I said as I hugged Harrison, "I have no clue where I would be without you. Well I would probably be 6 feet under." I said before I let a little laugh escape my lips.

~The Love/ Hate Mobster~ { Tom Holland, Y/N}{Mafia/Mob}Where stories live. Discover now