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~Y/N's POV~

    Being at Rocko's, it was painful...
He never left me alone. Beatings, rape, torture...
    I never wanted to die more in my whole life. I wanted to die less when I married Tom..

I wanted him, I wanted his touch so bad... where was he?...

Nightmare after nightmare, pain and more pain. Gangbangs, I have never seen so many condoms...
Tom, just save me already..

~Toms POV~

   I knew what she was going through, Rocko sent me videos, I am very aware. I have had to replace my punching bag twice since Y/N was taken from me. The videos plague my head and my bed has never felt more empty. So much for me having that special moment with Y/N, she's probably ruined, emotionally and sexually.
I wanted to handle you with care, I can't do that when you are already shattered... My sweet wife, I am so sorry...

-A month later...

~Tom's POV~
   I stood by the door with my brothers. Tessa had been missing her too. I waited for Rocko, my patience was thin and I wanted to hold Y/N again.

    Finally, Rocko's SUV pulled up. I held mg gun behind my back. But Harrison snatched it from me. Damnit..

    Rocko got out and dared to walk up to me.
     "I returned your wife, I enjoyed myself. And don't worry, she isn't that tainted."

     The sight of her, I felt my heart drop.
    "Y/N!" I cried out. She was struggling to get of the SUV, her exposed skin was black and blue, coated head to toe in bites and hickeys, handprints spotted her skin. I rushed past Rocko and ran up to SUV. Fuck being a mobster and waiting for her, she wasn't going to make it up the stairs.

    She hissed as she used me as support. I swiped a hand under her legs and picked her up bridal style, she felt lighter. I took her into the house without giving Rocko another thought. I took her to our room and laid her down. I covered her in a blanket and put on the heat. A maid walked in to see me so frazzled.
    "Please care for Ms. Holland while I am absent." I said and went off to talk to Rocko.

   "Ah Tommy! Do you like how I took care of your woman?" He hummed, I wanted to wipe his smirk off his face. I sighed.
    "I expected nothing less Rocko. But I think you have overstayed your welcome." I growled. Rocko pouted.
     "Whatever. See you Tommy!" Rocko laughed as he got back in his SUV and drove off. I felt myself boiling, why was I letting him go? I turned to my brothers.
     "Is Y/N gunna be okay?" Harry asked,
     "Did you see her? I will be surprised if she will be able to walk!" Sam said. Paddy looked at me,
     "Will she be well enough to play game with me?"
I groaned, "I am not sure you guys, she is in such rough shape, I am sure Rocko has been starving her. Harry, could you take over my position for a bit? My wife will be my top priority." I said and walked past them, right back to her.


    I entered our bedroom and saw the maid fixing her nails and putting cream on her marks. I sat down on the side of the bed and caressed her cheek.
     "I shouldn't have listened to him..." I whispered, I placed my forehead on hers. The maid checked lower and gasped.
     "What is it?" I turned and saw it. She was completely ruined. Red and raw. Both holes. Bloody and so exposed. "Call a doctor!" I cried, I held her hand and trembled.
        "Fuck, I should've saved you Y/N, please be okay.." I whispered.

I paced as the doctors did what they could.
   "She is stretched out and raw, but the cream I gave her will make her feel and look better. It will heal her completely, you will have to apply it every few days." The doctor handed me a tub of cream, "It's good after giving birth too." She smiled and left.
  "Thank you." I entered the room and saw her groan.
  "Y/N?.." I whispered and sat on the bed beside her.

~Y/N's POV~

It was bright and I was sore, everything hurt. I trembled as my eyes adjusted. A blurry figure came in view, "Rocko...?" I whispered, I was too sore to move.
    "No darling, it will never be Rocko ever again."
   The voice! Could it be-?
    "Tom?" I whispered, my voice cracking. My tears helped make my vision clear.
    "I am here darling.." Tom looked like a holy Angel. I cried and hissed as I sat up. He hugged him tightly and cried hard.
    "Where were you.." I sobbed into his chest. Tom was rigid and his hand slid up and down my back.
He didn't answer me, he was quiet. I let him be.
After a few moments, he broke the silence.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I should've come to save you." He admitted, I nuzzled into his neck and his warmth made me feel safe.
"We all make mistakes Tom-"
"But you are ruined! Internally!" He said, I pulled back.
"Really? You are just thinking of my pussy at this time? You haven't seen me in a month and that's it?" I growled, he shook his head.
"Well, it's a percentage of my concern, but look at you. You are covered in bruises.. I can wait Y/N but, you need to get better."
I rolled my eyes, he was really thinking about sex right now.
"It's not like I have been used enough." I mumbled. Tom sighed and called for his brothers. Paddy was the first one in. He jumped up onto the bed.
"Y/N!" Paddy cried and gave her a hug.
"Paddy! Gentle!" Tom said sternly, the older boys came in and gave me a hug too.
"I missed all of you.." I whispered and smiled. I watched Tom get up and leave.
"But I have to make sure Toms alright." I whisper and get up.

~Toms POV~

I went to get her some new clothes, but I heard her follow me,
"Y/N, go rest." I said, she shook her head.
"You are upset, what's wrong?" She grabbed my arm gently.
"I should've saved you Y/N, then your skin wouldn't be dotted with your pain and suffering."
"Tom, I will be fine. Just give my body some time to heal." She gave me a smile, I loved that smile. I gave her a gentle kiss and nodded.
"Alright." I smiled, I still felt guilt, how could she think of me so highly?

Later that night, I crawled into bed, Y/N was already asleep. I got under the covers and saw her body. I nuzzled into her and out of reflex she tended.
"Shh, it's just me.." I whispered in her ear, she turned over and nuzzled into my chest. I smiled and fell asleep.

~The Love/ Hate Mobster~ { Tom Holland, Y/N}{Mafia/Mob}Where stories live. Discover now