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Fun fact: In London, instead of saying 'trunk', they say 'boot'.

Y/H/C = Your hair color

Y/N 's POV

      I woke up the next morning in my comfy king size bed. I was a littel upset becuase I loved being single, I got a whole king size bed to myself. I could starfish and not feel like a jerk, I was going to miss those nights. I started to fall back asleep but when someone knocked at my door, I knew it was going to be a long day.
   "Ma'am? Are you awake?" my head maid asked through the door.
   "Yes I am, come in." I said. She opened the door and walked towards the bed. She came and sat on the bed beside me.
  "My apologies for bugging you" she said "No worries, what's up?" I asked smiling at her "Well, are we coming with you? or are you firing us?" She asked sounding worried, I could tell she was upset. I remembered that I just went to bed after dinner and never explained anything to all my maids and men. I felt terrible because I had left them feeling worried and scared that I wouldn't bring them along.

     "No, I am bringing you guys with me." I said reassuring her
     "Thank god." She said happily. "I am sorry I never told you last night." I said sighing, "I was just so frustrated I didn't want to lose it on one of you guys, I never meant to leave you feeling worried." I said shuffling over to sit beside her.
       "It's fine ma'am, most of us weren't very worried since we could never imagine you leaving us." she paused smiling, "But the newly hired younger maids are a totally different story." she sighed. "They were all crying, praying to god that you wouldn't fire them." she looked sad, "But we knew you love us all like were your family, so eventually with all the older maids help, we calmed them down." she said getting up "Well, come on, get up your have a big day." she said smiling.

~Time Skip Quacksons~

     I watched as an army of cars pulled out of my driveway, they were transporting my men and maids to Tom's place and I was terrified, I was unsure how he was going to treat me, was he going to abuse me?, hate me?, lock me up? or will he actually have a heart and end up loving me?
   Hundreds of questions came rushing through my head, they hit me all at once, it was overwhelming.

The sound of a car horn snapped me back to reality,    
     "Come Ms. Holland, you will be late if you keep standing there." the driver said getting out of the car.
     "Ms. Holland?" I said sounding irritated,
     "Don't be mad at me miss, I wasn't trying to upset you. Tom has ordered us to call you Ms. Holland and never by your first name nor surname." the driver said sounding sympathetic.
    "I am sorry, this is just... its-"
    "Moving too fast for you?" the driver asked finishing my sentence.
    "Yes" I said smiling at him. He proceeded to place the last of my bags in the boot of the car.
     "Oh, I am sorry, I never got your name." I said laughing a little.
     "My name is Jefferson, Ms. Holland." He said calmly, smiling at me.
     "Please stop calling me that, Jefferson" I said politely. He laughed "Fine, then what's your name and what should I call you?" He asked closing the boot.
       "My names Y/N, Please call me Y/N" I said smiling.
       "Alright, Y/N" he said walking around to the right back seat door. "Get in, Y/N, You have a long day ahead." He said opening the door for me. I nodded and got in the car, he closed the door behind me and got in the driver seat "Let's go" He said starting the car.

~Time skip Quacksons~

       The car came to a stop in front of a house, this house was huge. Looked like it was the size of the white house, maybe a little smaller. It was a white house with a black roof, the windows were crystal clean and huge. It had black double doors that matched with the black wood floors that led towards the front door. The steps leading up to the front door were made out of black wood and the pathway leading towards the door were smooth stone. The front of the house was beautiful, the front yard was huge and the grass was perfectly cut. I was in love already, but then the double doors opened and I regretted ever going there.

      Tom walked out wearing a black suit with black dress shoes and black socks. His hair wasn't out of control, it was cleaned up and looked really good. His hair didn't look like he just woke up and decided not to brush it. He looked like he actually went for a shower and brushed his hair; I kinda liked the new look, but it didn't bury the fact I was doing this because I wanted to protect my family and friends.

      He began walking towards me, he looked me up and down as he approached. I was wearing black ankle boots, black leggings with mesh running down the left and right sides of my leggings and a baggy, black crop top hoodie. It had a white outline of a Bluenose Pitbull, it was my favorite hoodies. To top off the look. My hair was down, it was a beautiful Y/H/C. It blew in the wind like it was as light as a cloud.

    I felt confident before I left my place, now, Tom looking me up and down, I felt I was exposing too much skin, I felt exposed and shy. I felt like I showed him too much, I was standing there like a deer in headlights. I wanted to just run, to go back home, to just be anywhere but here, but Tom was too close now. He stopped in front of me and that's when I noticed that he was much bigger than me. I was only 5'3, I didn't know how tall he was but I knew for a fact he was at least 5'8 maybe 5'9 - knowing him, he probably said he was 6foot. He towered over me, his size dwarfing me. He stared at me for a while, his gaze making me uncomfortable.

      "You look nice." he finally said his face neutral, his face showing no emotion.
      "Thanks?" I said sounding pretty confused. Before I knew it, his hand was on my hip. I felt uncomfortable again. "No thank you." I said peeling his fingers off my hip, "Remember, I hate you." I said placing his hand by his side.

He growled before placing his hand on my hip again. "I do what I want, when I want" he said into my ear before dragging me towards the front door.
    "Thank, Jefferson." I said smiling and waving.
     "No thank you, Y/N." he said before bending over to try and carry all my bags.
    "Hey, David, Jerry, George and John!" I called, 4 men came running my way
      "Yes, ma'am?" They said all at once before laughing together. I joined in before I looked up at Tom, he raised one of his eyebrows while he looked at me. I then turned to the 4 gentlemen,
     "Can you guys do me a favor and go help Jefferson with my bags? If you need more help, you are welcomed to get more help. I just don't want him to carry all of my bags after he cheered me up this morning," I said smiling, "He is out front." I added.
      "Of course we can do that, anything for you." David said smiling.
       "Thank you, your generosity will be rewarded." I said winking at them. They ran off looking very happy, then all of a sudden one of the men jumped up and yelled wooo. I laughed, but Tom just looked behind and groaned.
    "Do all your men act like that, like teenagers?" he asked sounding agitated.
     "Yes, get used to it because they are not changing." I said before looking away from him looking pissed off. To tell you the truth, I was. I was pissed off, at him. I knew he broke his men's souls. They have no emotion, sound depressed all the time and was always upset. They acted like androids and I hated it. I believed in freedom, free spirt and just, not being forced to stay or be someone your not. I hated it, I knew this was going to be the worst decision I've ever made, in my entire life.

~The Love/ Hate Mobster~ { Tom Holland, Y/N}{Mafia/Mob}Where stories live. Discover now