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Fun facts are my way of translating some of the words I use since Y/N is in the Uk.

       I was in the middle of doing paperwork when all of a sudden I heard faded gun shots.           
    "Ugh" I groaned before a group of men came bursting in.

"What do you boys want before I kill you?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair,
"The boss man needs your empire and money!" They shouted before pulling out their guns and aiming them at me, their blurred faces, like robots....
"Ok boys" I paused and made my eyes become slits ,"I only have one question, where is boss man?" I asked with a little bit of irritation in my tone.

          The doors opened again and a handsome looking man walked in. He had brown somewhat curly hair and an evil smirk painted on his lips, he had an accent which made some of his words purr, but others sounded forced.
"Why hello, darling." Tom said smiling, though the smile seemed unwelcoming..
"What do you need?" I asked aggressively, I felt my voice grow louder with annoyance.
"Well, I am guessing you already know the answer to that.." He said smirking, his voice had a slight hum or purr.
"I won't do it. Whatever sick thing you request, I am not having it." I said shaking my head, 
"I knew you'd need some persuading.." He said before making a hand signal, his lips fell to a slight frown. My parents were then set in front of him; they were tied up and my mom was bleeding. I went rigid, was I hesitating? I took control of my mind and went to lunge at him but one of his guards then pulled out his gun and placed it against my dad's head. My pupils became tiny balls, I was terrified, for the first time in my life, I was terrified.

"What's wrong, darling? Are you not happy?" He asked smiling evilly, I hate that smile.
"You son of a bitch." I growled under my breath, I felt out of breath and I knew he heard it, the breathless huff I made. Tom started shaking his head, he seemed displeased,
"Tisk tisk tisk, strong language for a lady." He said, now smiling and I knew he heard my panic. I felt hopeless, this feeling.. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, I sighed as I dropped my head;
    "Fine, I'll do it." I mumbled.

Tom started laughing hysterically,
    "No way. I have known you for years, Y/N. You don't give up that easily." He said sounding surprised, then crossing his arms with a raised brow.                                  I started walking towards my desk, which was a few feet away. "You're just going to give me what I want like that?" He asked snapping his fingers, he sounded like he was trying to make me change my mind.                                                                                                                                                                             
     "Yeah..." I huffed, pulling out a document.                                                                                                                   He said nothing, trying to process what I am saying. I wrote something down on the document. He turned to my father, who was as confused as him.                                                                        
      "Get your butt over here and sign this." I said sliding the document to the end of my desk. He walked over and placed his hands firmly on my desk.
      "You're going to need this." I said handing him a pen. Our hands touched for a second and a chill ran down my spine, it made goosebumps appear on my arms. His hands were as cold as ice and as rough as sandpaper; I also felt a connection but it was very faint and I ignored it automatically.

     Tom sat down in the black chair placed in front of my desk; I watched his eyes slid along the wording on the document, a few seconds later his head snapped up. His eyes locked with mine and the question that I was hoping he didn't ask, came up.                                                                                    
     "Why does this say I have to marry you?" He asked, his eyes reduced to nothing but slits.                
     "Well, you want my empire right? You would walk in here and demand my empire. So you could merge them together and make the most powerful mafia ever, right?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.                                                                                                                                      
      "Yes, I guess I would but come on, marriage?" he asked sounding like a 12 year old whining about something stupid.                                                                                                                                                          
      "Well, I don't know how you will treat my men. I treat mine like family and from what I see; every time you burst in here, you start yelling at your men. Demanding them to go here and there. You don't even say their names! I treat my men with respect and love. You treat yours like their no good mutts. I will not allow you to take my men and treat them the same way. So I will have to be there every step of the way." I said firmly, trying to make him feel like a shitty boss.
       "And why do you have to be their every step of the way?" He asked, his lips formed into a small pout. "Why can't you just give them a phone and they can report back to you?"                              
       "Because I don't have that type of money to spend on electronics, especially since I have about 50,000 men." I said firmly, not budging on his suggestions.

        The room went quiet for a few minutes, I could tell he was trying to figure out some way to just take my empire and leave me with nothing. Tom crossed his arms and stood up from the chair. Finally I broke the silence, though I seemed rigid,                                                                                            
      "Last chance Tom, either leave here empty handed and me wanting to murder you because you killed my parents," I said sternly standing up and placing my hands on my desk. Tom raised an eyebrow and looked back at my parents "Or you leave here with another 50,000 men, millions of dollars and a new wife, that I may add, hates you to the core." I said leaning back in my chair. He looked stunned but that faded quickly. His eyes were slits and his eyebrows furrowed,                                                                                                                                                                                        
       "I hate the last part.." he grumbled, "But I love the idea of have an extra 50,000 men at my disposal and being millions of dollars richer..." he said smiling placing his index finger and his thumb on his chin. He looked like he was thinking about it.

        I was losing patience, every second was even more precious, my parents life was on the line. I looked over and a pool of blood was now around my mother and my dad was passed out. I was unsure if they were alive or not..; just as I was about to get up Tom sighed and slammed his fist into the desk. I looked and his knuckles were white, his face was scrunched up and his eyes were filled with rage.                                                                                                                                                                           
      "Damn it." He said in a groan before looking at me. He sat down on the chair with such force I thought he was going to break the chair. He picked up the pen forcefully and started writing on the document, a displeased look on his face, which just made me feel victorious.

     A few minutes later he slammed the pen down and groaned.
       "There." he said sternly as he slid the paper towards me. I looked at it and saw his signature at the bottom, my eyes widened, I couldn't believe it, he really signed it. I was in shock but my head snapped up as he made a hand signal. I was prepared to grab my gun from my waistband but his men then took out their knives and started cutting the restraints on my parents.
       "Ashley! Mary!" I yelled before two nicely dressed woman appeared in the doorway,                                                                                                                      
       "Yes ma'am?" they asked,                                                                                                                                                 
       "Take my parents to the hospital and get them medical attention. Tell them they were in a car accident." I said before they started helping my parents up and getting them down the hallway.

     The room was silent, other than the sound of the 5 men in the room breathing.
        "I will get you a ring tomorrow." Tom said sternly. He then got up and started walking out of the room and down the hall, his men hurried after him. I flopped back in my chair and felt a huge weight lift off my chest. I hope tomorrow won't be nightmare. I thought.

~The Love/ Hate Mobster~ { Tom Holland, Y/N}{Mafia/Mob}Where stories live. Discover now