Chapter 5

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I sat in my usual seat, waiting for Parker to walk through the door of the subway. But unfortunately he didn't.

The subway was boring and slow since Parker wasn't here. I didn't know it was possible to miss a person I barely know, so much.

I cursed at myself for not getting his number. If I would have gotten it. I could just text him and ask where he's at. I sighed, leaning my head back against the seat.


Friday went by slow and so did the rest of the weekend. It was horrible. But the funny thing is I always wanted the weekend to go by slow so I wouldn't have to go to school. But I only ride the subway on week days, and riding the subway meant I got to see Parker. So you can probably understand why I wanted the weekend to be over.

I rushed to the subway, hoping Parker would be there. Thankfully he was. I couldn't help the smile that quickly formed on my face. It's like every time I see him, I feel all happy inside. It was a feeling I've never felt before, and I wanted it to never go away.

I made my way over to my seat and sat down next to him. He took a quick look at me before looking down at his phone. "Why so smiley today? Did you miss me?" He asked, typing away on his phone.

"Um, uh...-"

"You don't have to answer that because I already think I know the answer."

"You do?"

"Yeah it's obvious you missed me."

"W-What? No I didn't."

"A-Are you sure about that?" He looked up at me and smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him and he gave me a cheesy smile, causing my heart to pound loudly against my chest. "I missed you too." My eyes widened. What did he just say? He missed me? No he couldn't have said that. No way.

"Uh, what?" I dumbly asked.

He got closer to me, so that our faces are only inches away. He looked straight into my eyes with this stare that could make anyone go weak in the knees. "I. Missed. You." He said each word slowly. Then he unexpectedly leaned in and kissed my nose. He quickly pulled away and continued typing away on his phone as if nothing happened. But me on the other hand was freaking out. My heart felt as if it was going to burst out of my chest any second now. "Malia," he said in a deep, husky voice, sending chills down my spine.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered nervously.

"Can you go somewhere with me?"


"It's a secret."

"That sounds sketchy.."

He laughed. "It's that place everyone calls music square. Where unknown talented people play their music in the middle of the square everyone walks through. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Oh yeah! I went there a few times with my family and friends." I love that place. If I could go there everyday I would.

"So will you go with me?"


"Today around seven."

"Okay but...."

"But what?"

"Can I...have your number so I can text you when I'm there?" I shyly said.

"Of course," he smirked, causing me to blush. He pulled out a pen from his pocket and grabbed onto my hand, writing his number on it. "There you go," he smiled, standing up. "I'll see you tonight at seven. Don't forget," he waved at me before he hurried off the subway.

Next update they will not be on the subway. And you'll get to meet three new characters. Who's excited?

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