Chapter 2

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I nervously fiddled around with my fingers, waiting for the subway. I'm not going to lie a part of me was hoping sad eyes wouldn't be on the subway today. Only because of what happened yesterday with the whole sneaky picture thing. How embarrassing..

"Hey old lady," someone said, pulling on the bottom of my shirt. I looked down to see the little girl from yesterday. What does this brat want and who the heck is she calling old lady?

"I'm not old," I narrowed my eyes at her. "I'm still a teenager, ya know."

"To me you are old," she giggled, letting go of my shirt and taking a step back. It is literally taking everything in me not to cuss this little kid out.

"Um, is there a reason you pulled on my shirt?"

"Yes," she smiled sweetly.

"Okay...what is it then?"

She stuck out her tongue. "You're a ugly old lady." I gasped.

"You're a rude little girl," I stuck my tongue out at her. We both stood here starring at one another with our tongues sticking out at each other for a good ten seconds before somebody spoke to me.

"You're really childish," a familiar raspy, deep voice said from behind me. "For an old lady." I spun around to come face to face with sad eyes. My heart sped up at the sight of him. I nervously took a step back.

The little girl laughed. "See, you're a old lady!"

"Am not!" I glared at the girl.

"Are too!"

"There you go again. Being childish," sad eyes said, shaking his head. "You're more of a child than an old lady," He smirked, putting his hands in his jean pockets.

"You're friend is also old and ugly just like you," the little girl said before running off to her mom who called out her name. Which is Hannah.

"Well, we sure are cute for a couple of ugly, old people," sad eyes said, flashing me a quick closed mouth smile before putting his earphones in and walking pass me into the subway. Did he just call me cute? Wait, did he just call himself cute?

I quietly laughed to myself, thinking about all that just happened. I totally made a fool out of myself in front of sad eyes. I brought my hand up to my face and faced palmed. Such an idiot.

I'm really hoping this story will turn out cute and that you'll all love it.

(Ps: you'll find out sad eyes name soon.)

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