Chapter 10

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My mind couldn't process the fact that Parker was standing right in front of me with several different beautiful flowers in his hands.

I repeatedly opened and closed my mouth, trying to find the right words to say, but nothing would come out. Nothing at all. Instead I just stared at him. My vision started to become blurry. I blinked, causing tears to fall and run down my cheeks.

"Don't cry," Parker said, walking towards me and stopping once he stood in front of me. "I wanted you to smile, not cry," he gave the flowers to me and then wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you. You don't know how many times I wanted to hop on a plane just so I could see you and be able to hold you like I am right now."

"I missed you more," I mumbled.

"Not possible," he said, breaking the hug and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. It was so quick I didn't even have time to react. Was it bad that I was hoping we would have somewhat of a I-miss-you make out session?

"We are going to go skate. We'll talk to you two later," Melanie awkwardly said before taking the arm of the boy who I could now tell was Wyatt, one of Parker's old friends I met months ago.

Taking my eyes off them, I looked back at Parker who was just staring at me as if he was afraid I would suddenly disappear. I took this chance to stare at him. But as I did so, I grew upset. Sad eyes made a comeback. This time far more worse. The dark circles under his eyes and the hint of exhaustion in them gave it away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I should be asking you that."

"What do you mean?"

"You look tired. Really tired."

He smiled, placing his hands onto my shoulders, "don't worry I'm fine."


He cut me off, sighing, "I'm okay, really. I don't want you to worry about me the whole time I'm here. I just want for you to smile and have fun, okay?" I nodded, although I wanted to say more. "Good. Now let's go skating!"

Skating with Parker is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. He couldn't stand up for two minutes without falling on his butt. He even brought me down with him a couple times.

"Why did you choose skating when you don't even know how to skate?" I questioned, grabbing onto both his hands, smiling to myself as I watched him bend over, with his butt sticking out. He looks so adorable. I laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry but you look so cute."

"Don't I always?" I gave him a look before letting go of his hands and skating backwards away from him. His eyes widened, "Ahh, don't leave me!" He cried out, as he tried to keep himself steady. "It was a joke! Babe please come back."

I smirked, skating over to him. He quickly grabbed onto my hands and sighed in relief. "Just know I'll get you back for that," he warned. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, you never really answered my questioned about why you picked this when you can't skate," I slowly started to skate and so did he, making sure not to let go of me.

"My mom was going to take me and teach me...but she got hospitalized and couldn't. So she told me once she gets out of the hospital that she would take me," he looked up from my feet and at me with a sad closed mouth smile. "But not everything goes as planned."

"I'm sorry Parker...but hey, I bet she's looking down right now, watching you and laughing at how funny you look," I said, trying to cheer him up.

He lightly chuckled, "maybe you're right. Thank you Malia."

"For what?"

"Teaching me how to skate, and for making me feel alive again. I really missed you."

I smiled, "I missed you too."

"...I would kiss you, but I can't stand straight, so yeah," he awkwardly said, making me laugh and him to blush in embarrassment. How can one be so cute? "Let's call it quits on the skating and go somewhere else."


"You'll see."

Hi sorry that this is short. The next one will be somewhat longer.

Parker and Malia are going to be even cuter in the next one. Idk if you all will be able to handle it?

Btw things will be getting a tiny bit steamy between the two of them in the next chapter.

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