Chapter 1

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I silently stood here, waiting for the subway I take almost everyday to school and from it. I glanced around at the other people waiting to get on the train. A little girl in a pink dress with blue eyes and her blonde hair in pigtails looked at me, sticking her tongue out. I narrowed my eyes at her, sticking out my tongue back at her. She held up her hand giving me the finger. I gasped. What kind of little kid does that? Isn't she too young to be doing that? The little girl smiled widely at me before her mom pulled her along with her into the subway. Little brat..

I sighed, walking over to the subway. I made my way inside and took a seat where no one else is sitting because you know me. I'm not much of the social type.

I sat my backpack down by my feet and pulled out my phone from my jacket pocket. I glanced down at my now lit up phone screen only to be disappointed that I have no new messages.

Well this sucks. I groaned, shoving my phone back into my pocket. I looked around but my eyes ended up landing on the good looking boy I always end up seeing on the subway. I instantly smiled but it quickly faded when the man next to him smiled at me, showing off some of his missing and yellow teeth. I gave the man a quick smile before looking down at my hands. Well that was awkward.

I gave it a good two minutes before I looked back at sad eyes. Sad eyes is the nickname I've given to the good looking boy on the subway. His eyes are never filled with happiness, just sadness. It makes me wonder what goes on in his life.

I feel like a total creeper just sitting here, staring at him. It's not like I'm completely obvious. I would look around at other people from time to time. I've always wondered if he ever knew I was staring at him but he just didn't want to say anything or maybe he just really doesn't notice. He does have his earphones in. Once the earphones are in you tend to forget everyone and everything around you. At least that's what happens to me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I smiled, grabbing my phone and looking at it to see I had a new message..from my mom. My smile faded.

Mom: Hey! How's the subway?

Me: Boring like usual.

Mom: How's sad eyes? Have you made a move on him yet? You should send me a sneaky picture of him.

Me: No I will not send you a sneaky picture of him! What if I get caught!?

Mom: Sweetie you won't.

Me: Mom!

Mom: Malia!

Me: Bye

Mom: Wait! Guess who's at the house!

Me: Who?

Mom: Melanie and she also thinks you should take a sneaky picture of sad eyes! Please :(

Me: You're hanging out with my friend!?

Mom: Sneaky picture!!

Me: Fine!

I exit out of my messages and glanced over at sad eyes. He is still listening to his music and looking down at his phone. I swallowed hard before carefully raising my phone and trying to be sneaky as possible. I made sure the flash was off and so was my camera sound before taking two pictures of him. I quickly put my phone down on my lap and let out a breath. He didn't catch me. Thank god.

The subway stopped and I let out a sigh when it wasn't my destination. Somebody sat down beside me. The smell of their amazing cologne filled up my nose. I looked beside me to see sad eyes. My eyes widened and my breath hitched.

"If you wanted a picture. You could have just asked me," he said in a raspy, deep voice. He grabbed my phone off of my lap and scrolled up the lock screen on my iPhone and held up my phone. He clicked the front camera screen button. Then took a picture of us together. "There," he said, handing me my phone before he got up and walked out of the subway.

So what'd you think? Was it good enough to continue?

This story will most likely be coming out soon! I haven't decided when yet but I'll let you know when I do!

The Boy On The SubwayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang