Chapter 6

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Me: Where are you?

I was here at the place Parker wanted me to come to which is called music square, but I couldn't find him anywhere, so I messaged him.

Parker: Standing beside this girl.

Me: What?

Parker: She's really really pretty.

Honestly I was upset. Why would he tell me this? I didn't want to hear how pretty the girl he was standing by was.

Me: Oh..

Parker: Are you mad?

Me: No.

I lied..

Parker: Really? Because you sure seem like it.

Wait what? How does he know that? I lift my head up from looking down at my phone. I glanced to my left side, nothing. I glanced to my right side and there he was. Parker was standing there with a small smile on his face and flowers in one hand.

"Parker..." A smile instantly formed on my lips. "How long were you standing there?"

"Since you first messaged me."

"So, that girl you were talking about-"

He cut me off. "Is you." I immediately felt embarrassed for getting upset over nothing. "Here, I bought these for you. I know this is kind of a old, cheesy thing to do but I just so happen to be the old style and cheesy type," he chuckled before handing me the flowers.

"Thank you," I blushed, bringing the pretty flowers up to my nose, smelling them. They had a nice fresh scent. "What are they?"

"Well, there is two different types. There is stock which means you'll always be beautiful to me, and then there is porcelana roses and they mean admiration. At least that's what the lady told me..." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Why is he so adorable? It's hard to believe that someone like him actually exist.

"I really like them. They're beautiful, Parker. Thank you again," I said.

He gave me a cute, shy smile. "You're welcome, Malia." We both fell silent after that. His eyes staring into mine, causing my heart to speed up.

But that silent moment got interrupted when three boys suddenly came out of nowhere. One of them wrapped his arm around Parker's shoulders, while the other two stood beside him. "Hey kiddo, who's this?" A boy with messy black hair and a lip piercing in his bottom lip, asked.

"His girlfriend," another boy mumbled. He has wavy dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes almost black.

"Oh! You must be Malia. I'm Cameron," the third boy said, grabbing onto my hand and shaking it. He was the shortest of the group. He has curly blonde hair, blue eyes and a few freckles on his nose and cheeks.

"You know my name?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Parker never shuts up about you," Cameron looked over at Parker who was slightly blushing while glaring at Cameron.

"Shut up. No I don't," Parker muttered.

The boy with the lip piercing laughed. "Anyways, I'm Tatum. Nice to finally meet you," he smiled.

"And I'm Wyatt. The coolest one in this group," the last boy said, causing a few laughs from the other boys. Apparently they didn't agree with him being the coolest one. "Hey it's true!"

"You wish," Tatum rolled his eyes.

"I don't have to. I already am," Wyatt stuck his tongue out like a small child would.

"Guys lets not argue in front of Malia," Parker said before walking over to my side and smoothly slipping his hand into mine, grabbing onto it. "I want to show you something."

"O-Okay," I stuttered. Due to his hand touching mine.

He pulled me along with him towards the music square. The other boys followed behind us. We ended up in front of a small platform where the talented musicians perform on. I gave Parker a confused look. He let go of my hand and walked onto the platform with Wyatt, Tatum and Cameron. Wait were they going to perform?

"Hello I'm Parker and my friends and I are going to sing a song you all probably know," he took a deep breath as the small crowd of people started clapping.

They each sat down on the platform. Cameron began beating on the platform like a drum set. Tatum took out a acoustic guitar from his guitar case that was hanging on his back and played it. Parker started singing while Wyatt sung backup.

After the song ended. I glanced around, noticing that the crowd that was once small was now huge, causing my mouth to fall open in amazement. The large amount of people were cheering and even taking pictures and videos of the boys on their phones.

I moved my attention away from the crowd and back on Parker who was smiling as he hugged his bandmates. I couldn't help but smile too. He looked so happy, I almost forgot why I called him sad eyes.

But that smile faded once the security showed up, yelling about how people below the age of eighteen can't perform pass eight o'clock.

Parker and the others jumped off the platform before the security could get to them. They all ran passed me but Parker who grabbed onto my hand, pulling me along with him as we ran down the sidewalk with the security following behind us.

"We have a better chance of getting rid of them if we spilt up," Tatum said.

And that's what we did. We all went our separate ways. Except for Parker and I who stayed together.

Parker took a sharp turn into a small, dark, crack between two buildings. He pulled me into him, causing my body to press up against his body. He held me closely to him as we both tried to catch our breaths.

Thankfully the security guard that was chasing us ran right pass us. Parker sighed in relief and I on the other hand was panicking. No not from almost being caught by the security guard but from being so close to Parker.

"That was close," he breathed out. I looked up into his eyes and regretted it. My heart pounded loudly against my chest and the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy to the point I felt sick.

"Yeah," I quietly said as I swallowed hard, staring at his soft, pink lips that seemed to get closer and closer to my face. Was he leaning in or was I imagining it?

I definitely wasn't imagining it because before I knew it his soft lips found their way on mine, moving slowly, giving me a chance to understand what was happening and to kiss him back.

He deepens the kiss, placing one of his hands on my lower back and the other on my upper back, pulling me more into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying every second of kissing him.

Ahhh they kissed!!!

Aren't they the cutest though? I saw someone comment a couple name for them which is 'marker' haha I love it. Shoutout to that person! If anyone has any other couple names for them. Please do share.

Anyways I'm not sure how I feel about this update? Was it okay? Did you all enjoy it?

Vote and comment so I know if I need to make some changes or not. Thank you!(:

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