Chapter 11

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"Hey, I really like this one," Parker pointed out a ring through the glass window of a jewelry shop. That we were passing by.

"Are you planning on getting married?" I jokingly laughed. He let go of my hand that he was holding and walked up to the window, looking down at the ring he was so fascinated by. I had to admit, it was very beautiful.

"Not yet, but I want to," he answered seriously. "I'm too young now. But when I'm older, I will," he glanced over my way and smirked. "I just hope she's willing to wait for me and not run off with someone else," he held my gaze for the longest time until I broke away, swallowing hard and shifting uncomfortably on my feet.

"Um, yeah, hopefully she won't do that to you."

He chuckled, "you're so cute." I felt my cheeks heat up. "Can I tell you something?" I looked at him to see that he was slowly walking over to me with mixed expressions on his face, making me to feel both confused and nervous. What is he thinking? What is he going to say? My heart was beating uncontrollably fast in my chest. He finally stopped a couple inches away from me. "Malia?" His voice was low, but soft.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered nervously. Why is he acting like this all of the sudden?

"You know how I told you I wanted to take you somewhere else after skating?" He stared into my eyes and I stared into his. I slightly nodded. "I wanted to buy you a ring. Not a marriage one. Just couple rings. I know this is cheesy but that's just who I am," he gave me a cheeky smile. "The ring is somewhat of a promise that no matter what, you will always have my heart, my brain, body," he cracked a grin and I couldn't hide my embarrassed expression. He bursted out laughing once he saw my face. "I love messing with you." I playfully smacked his arm.

"Okay, okay. Back to being serious," he cleared his throat. "I just want you and only you. I know what I said on that interview about not having someone special but I do, it's you. I was just..forbidden to say that. I'm sorry because what I want more than anything is to be able to tell the world you're mine," he let out a deep breath before grabbing onto both my hands. "I'm in with love you Malia." For a second I could have sworn my heart stopped. This was the first time I have gotten a love confession. The first time a boy has made me feel this way. The first time I...fell in love.

I didn't think I was the emotional type, but the sudden blurry vision made me think otherwise. "Oh no you're crying? Baby please don't cry. Why does it seem like I always make you cry?" He started panicking. "You don't have to say it back. I understand if you-" I began to laugh as I was crying. I must have looked absolutely insane. "Wait, now you're laughing?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I threw my arms around him, "these are happy tears, and I'm laughing because of how you're reacting." He wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me into him. "I'm in love with you too Parker."

"Since I've become a singer. I've heard many 'I love you's' but yours is definitely my favorite and will always mean much more to me."

I pushed away from him, narrowing my eyes. "You have other people saying 'I love you' to you?"

"You are dating a rockstar," he smiled confidently.

I rolled my eyes, "I always forget, because you sure don't act like one." He glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Let's go get our rings," he said, grabbing a hold of one of my hands, pulling me towards the front door of the jewelry shop.

"Are you sure you should where one? What if someone finds out."

"Of course I should. I mean unfortunately I will have to lie about the ring to others because of my management, but as long you know what it means. I'm okay," he smiled.

I smiled back, "alright, let's go."


"Thank you Parker," I said, lying down on my bed beside him. I turned over on my right side so that I could face him.

"That's like the millionth time you said that," he sighed.

"I know, but I'm just really thankful. It cost so much."

"I know you are, but don't worry about it. It honestly wasn't that much," he reached his hand out towards my face and lightly traced patterns against my skin. "I'm just happy I could buy something special for my girlfriend."

"I'm glad you came back to visit."

"Me too. I love seeing you," he moved closer to me, his lips were now barely touching mine. "I wish I didn't have to leave so soon."

"Me either," my voice came out as a whisper.

"Your mom isn't home, right?" His voice was deep and husky. My insides were going crazy. I wanted him. I wanted his lips on mine. I nodded, too afraid if I spoke he would know what exactly he was doing to me. He smiled, pressing his soft lips onto mine, moving slowly, making me frustrated and wanting to yell out- kiss me harder! "Oh? Someone is eager for me." My eyes widened. Oh god, did I just say that out loud? He grinned as if he read my mind. I mentally slapped myself. So stupid.

He then moved himself so that he was now on top of me. His knees were on both sides of my hips. He leaned down, placing his lips back on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. His hands explore my body before stopping at the zipper of my pants. He stops and breaks the kiss. "Tell me when to stop and I will, okay?" He ask breathlessly. I nodded. He removes my pants, leaving me in my white underwear that had miniature monkeys with hats on them. "Nice underwear," he said with a playful grin.

I brought my hands up to my now bright red cheeks, "I hate myself."

He brought his hands up to mine and placed them on top, "I love you no matter what your underwear looks like."

I gave him a face and he chuckled, "don't worry. We aren't going to be needing them anyways," he smirked, taking off his shirt, revealing a nice toned chest and abs that I couldn't help but trace with my finger. He shivered underneath my touch. I smiled to myself, loving the affect I had on him. "I guess all that dancing and running around on stage payed off."

"I guess so, but I would love you with or without abs. So don't overwork yourself," I said as I softly ran my finger down from his belly button to his pants until he let out a small grunt before stopping my hand from going any further.

"Are you sure about this? Just say the word and I'll stop."

I nodded, "yes, I want you," I bit my lip nervously. He then carefully but quickly took off my shirt and bra, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. I sucked in a breath as he started taking off his pants. "I'm ready, but go slow...this is my first time."

"Don't worry. I'll treat you like a princess." I smiled. "I love you Malia."

"I love you too Parker."


So I hope you liked this chapter. I was debating over rewriting it. Did you all like it? It didn't get too steamy just a little bit.

Anyways the both of them are seriously so cute like I get so sad writing this story because I need a Parker in my life. Lol.

Vote and comment. Thank you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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